[BUG] Ammo resupply broken

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Endario, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. Endario

    Hi so epic fail after spending 800+ certs for the increased duration of the ammo resupply pack... The problem is?... It DOESNT WORK!!! be wary for this to work you have to drop (tank mines/ claymores) and resupply to carry around just the ammo pack. Don't get spend your certs on it!!!! The ammunition pack upgrade should apply to the ammunition pack which all engineers carry ( pressing B while holing the mana turret tool) BUT IT DOES NOT! AGAIN DO NOT BUY!!!!! ONE HELL OF A WASTE OF TIME!!!
  2. Yautja

    I was almost shocked that you didn't read before you bought the upgrades... then I remembered it was SoE forums.
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