Ammo pack vs turret ammo pack?

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Starbridge, Feb 10, 2013.

  1. Starbridge

    So what is the point of the ammo pack if you can just turn your turret into one now that you can only put down one and the turret ammo pack now runs off the ammo pack cert level?
  2. Adamar09

    It is a mystery.
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  3. Veo808

    So the turret ammo pack now benefits from the certed upgrades to radius and time limit?
  4. Rusky


    OT: There is no point. It might get removed.
  5. isilyan

    Yup 50% nerf to the ammo Engi:(
    I removed the Ammopack and replaced it with Restoration Kit....
  6. Starbridge

    I sure hope it doesnt get removed. I put a lot of cert points into upgrading it and would like to toss the turret for something else.
  7. Rusky

    I don't think you'll ever be able to "toss the turret" since the turret is just one of the functions of the multipurpose ACE tool. It might get new uses, you might not use the turret etc.
  8. Soylent

    I doubt any serious Engineer ran around with the ammo pack utility. Once you certed into mines they were far more useful than the possibility to drop 2 ammo packs.
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  9. Lollerstakes

    You can drop 2.
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  10. Vortok

    This is an internet forum. Stop with your logic. It burns.
  11. BlackKobra77

    There seems to be a lot of confusion in this thread.

    Originally, if you had the Ammo pack in your utility slot, you could drop two Ammo packs by using the pack in your ACE tool as well as long as you didn't cert into rank 3 in the Ammo pack because the turret Ammo pack was automatically rank 3.

    With game update 2, the ACE Ammo pack now also scales with cert rank, instead of being automatically rank 3, so you can no longer drop two Ammo packs since they overwrite each other now that they are the same rank all the time.

    As stated above, this makes the Utility Ammo pack useless and it should be removed soon. Honestly though, why would you have the ammo pack in your utility slot when you could put tank mines, proximity mines, C4, or med kits?
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  12. isilyan

    I used it mostly when my Inf resources where low, and my mines where used up:)
    Have stopped since the nerf/bug, and now there is the Av turret witch cost no resources other than Sc/Cert bye:p
  13. Ronin Oni

    or... landmines? o_O

    Or C4

    Seriously it's a good thing that slot is FREE
  14. Solvictis

    When I first started playing upon release I thought that the benefit of having the ammo pack was so that you could have your turret up and drop an ammo pack from the extra slot? Do you mean to say that you can drop ammo pack from the turret slot and then select turret deployment mode and you will have both an ammo pack on the ground and your turret up?
  15. Alex Heartnet

    I used to choose the ammo pack over mines when traveling with a large zerg. Mines are considerably more difficult to use effectively in larger battles if you don't know good spots to put them, but zerg swarms tend to have lots of medics and few engineers tossing down ammo. (Today's an exception because engineers have a new toy to play with.)

    I could drop the level 3 ACE tool ammo pack somewhere close to the Sunderer and still have the level 2 utility ammo pack to plop down somewhere else (upgraded from level 1 because I was tired of my ammo crates going poof so quick). Team benefits from having ammo, enemy has to deal with more HA rockets coming at them, I earn XP, everyone's happy.
  16. LazyBoot

    Yes, you can... Only you have to wait a few seconds for the ace tool cooldown.
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  17. Starbridge

    I kinda liked the bug just after the patch were I could put down 1 ammo pack for every level of ammo pack I certed into. That was fun.

    I really hope that SOE does something about this. I really think you should be able to put more down the higher rank you have it, but only the ammo pack, not the ACE Tool. It would give reason to have the ammo pack again. Maybe 1 ammo pack per 2 levels of it? Making it so you can put down 3 if your maxed out like I am.
  18. hammyhamm

    It means you can place two ammo packs at two locations for twice the certs ;)

    To be honest I would never think about dropping my claymores/AT mines out of that slot unless I was in a long defensive position as being able to boobytrap chokepoints and blow up sunderers is far too great an option to pass up.
  19. Shasbot

    Also, why do I always shoot MAXs by accident? The whole engi inventory feels ****** up at times.
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  20. Zinus

    because you secretly hate them :eek: