Ammo Gal Guide

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by mike196840, May 23, 2015.

  1. mike196840

    Pros tell me how this vid can be improved. Also please tell me your own gal tips that I may have missed.
  2. Dargadon

    Opened video, saw "my pro gameplay" in description, closed video. Nope.
  3. mike196840

    Sorry you got that impression that section is actually a little bit of comedy I had with a sundie.
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  4. Armcross

    Why do I have to drive my sundie across the terrain? Because I need my zergs to do redeployside for my aid.
  5. mike196840

    Little twerk got a little shock. There is always that one sundi trying to redapolyside
  6. Lucidius134

    Things I can recommend:
    Watching Wrel's Youtube Proper video about audio quality. Your mic's really tiny, there's an echo, and the volume per ear isn't normalized.

    The text needs a black boarder around it too so it's readable in high light spaces on the screen.

    If your doing a review you should probably do it post-commentary and edit out any mistakes or retake them, and yu should be a bit more concise.

    The intro was way too long. Intros that are even 10 seconds long are too long in my opinion. 10 might be fine with most other ppl but 30 seconds is way too long.
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