AMD FX 9590 5GHz FPS?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by zant91, Dec 20, 2014.

  1. entrailsgalore

    Clearly i5/i7's run this game better than AMD. Duh. They also cost more per Mhz and probably per frame.

    This guy's issue isn't that he is running an AMD cpu, as I run one and have played this game perfectly fine with very playeable framerates. So clearly AMD FX chips CAN run Planetside 2 at 1080p on high-ultra settings and get well over 30 fps.

    Now that has been established...

    The game seems to be broken atm. My FPS have been cut in half compared to last week. There are a few threads of the same complaint but more than a handful of people. It could be that not everyone is noticing it, but I noticed it within 5 minutes of standing at the wg, and even more so when actually playing. I went from 60+ average, to 40 average. Flying 600m above. Running around small fights. Warpgate. Going anywhere. I get 40 fps average period. That is not at the fault of my FX chip.

    Your AMD chip should run this game just fine, the game is just broken at the moment. Sure you can go buy an i5/i7 chip, just like anyone here can go buy a brand new corvette and have a faster and better car than their honda civic. Not everyone wants to spend the extra money. Spending extra money isn't always the solution. People who buy an AMD cpu already know what they are buying, they are buying value. If you want the best preformance, then you buy Intel. If you want good enough performance but want to save money go AMD. Show me an Intel CPU that outperforms all FX chips cheaper than $150. Newegg link, Tigerdirect, amazon, whereever everyone can order from. Then we can make a thread telling every AMD user to re-buy that chip......
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  2. Aldaris

    Nope. That doesn't answer the question he asked, but thanks for playing.
  3. BlackDove

    Except hes right lol.
  4. Aldaris

    Except he didn't answer the question asked. The OP didn't ask for advice, or where he should have spent his money. He simply wanted people who actually own that CPU at that 5ghz for their FPS. Unless Astealoth actually owns and runs one, nope he didn't answer and typed a bunch of stuff the OP wasn't interested in hearing.
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  5. zant91

    I completely agree with you.
  6. Pointyguide2

    The game load is not spread out among all cores. The game needs very fast single core performance. An example of a game that has amazing scaling is crisis 3. That game loads to 100% every single core of a cpu. If we can get crisis 3 engine for this.
  7. Ruxxis

  8. Mike90it

    Has anyone wondered what graphics adapters each one of the "testimonials" here is using?

    A good GPU should be your main concern. Games in general, are not CPU intensive. I'm running PS2 on the integrated graphics of a 7850k and get 30+ fps with medium settings. The 7850k has merely 50% more single core performance compared to an old core 2 duo E6700 FFS!

    By the way, PS2 seems to use all 4 cores of my processor (checked via task manager, also about 70% load on all). That FX should be fine. Focus on getting a good 140$+ GPU and you will be fine with high settings.

    Also, before somebody posts more nonsense, you don't need more than 8GB of RAM for gaming, unless you stream stuff, render, video/image edit or run the Fibonacci algorithm in order to find the biggest number in the universe.
  9. Smagjus

    I don't see how this is relevant. Games are mostly GPU limited but Planetside is the opposite. The E6700 can not run the game. A comparison to that sounds silly. Then you contradict yourself when claiming that you run PS2 on an integrated graphics unit.

    And the 30+FPS on medium settings are only possible because you stay away from bigger fights, right?
  10. Mike90it

    Let's start with the comparison. It is meant to show how low the CPU performance actually is. Nothing more.

    The IGPU usage is not a contradiction. I play on med settings on HD resolution (720p). This puts some emphasis on the fact that the system RAM is shared thus not dedicated to the CPU. For high settings you need a dedicated graphics card for sure. Although I acknowledge that the way I stated it earlier could have been easily misinterpreted. My bad.

    30 FPS yes. Seldom I get some 25ish... I guess it is related to the geometry involved in larger battles.Some overclocking seems to fix that however.

    Also, just to be more specific, medium settings except for: textures being set on high, bloom disabled and some other shader settings I don't remember set on low.
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  11. BlackDove

    Actually this is getting a bit ridiculous now. The GDDR5 RAM a discrete GPU uses will have 4-6 channels and 10x the memory bandwidth that a CPUs integrated GPU has, as well as 10-50x the performance of an integrated GPU in terms of FLOPS.

    This game is not uusally GPU limited either, unless you have a bad GPU.

    This game is incredibly CPU limited because it involves a huge thread that handles player position and hit detection. You need high single core performance. The power virus scaleform menus dont help either.

    Which is exactly what AMDs two core per module architecture doesnt have. Thats why that overclocked 220W 8350 will perform worse than a high clock speed i3 that uses 1/4 the power in PS2.