AMA Request - Someone with a KDR of 80+

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Derpina, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. Derpina

    Before my wife drug me off to bed last night, I only managed to work my way up to 23 on the leaderboard. When I checked the top 5, I couldn't believe my eyes. Someone had 750 kills and 1 death. I imagine that these people with super high kill counts and super low death counts just have a second steam and PS2 account, and are spawning their throwaway account at an AMS over and over again.

    But if someone is legitimately 80+ KDR, I'd really like to know what strategy they employ.
  2. Ryloxx

    Stand inside a shield you can shoot out and the enemy cannot shoot back in, legitimate way to farm K/D. To be honest though, this game basically gives you kills on a silver platter if you play it right. There are many ways to do it.

    Solo tank driving as an engi, learn your arcs and don't rush it right into the middle of an HA squad. Tanks are incredibly effective at ranges where HA will not hit you without some serious aim correction.

    Flying any ESF at the moment with rockets can work well for you, if you are a good pilot. Best bet is to not get far away from a main base if you are purely looking for K/D.

    That being said though, dying is just as easy and I'm very doubtful of anyone getting above a 4:1 maybe 5:1 while actually playing the game like it was meant to. Point is, if you make it the goal of your game to only work on K/D, that in itself is an easy task. Getting an awesome K/D while still participating in the large battles is another story. Try things out, find what works best for you. Always make your choice of weapon/vehicle based on the terrain and the opposing force.


    For the person you are speaking of, I would guess alt account or sitting inside a shield would be the only way. Even with the best luck you are bound to get killed by a friendly more than a couple times a day.
  3. Bubblewrap2

    Actually, after a character wipe due to lack of AA, one of the best ways to get insane K/D's, including 80+, is as a lib main gunner. This has almost always been the case.

    So, I imagine, someone paired up with a (very) good veteran lib pilot and an upgraded lib with a Dalton on it, and they have managed to keep that thing alive for hours while farming infantry.

    I know because, I have seen it done by others in my outfit and done it myself on previous wipes.
  4. Ice

    Don't pay too much attention to the leaderboard. If a person on the board is offline it usually does not show their correct death numbers, so you will see people with 23+ kills per death. If the person is online their stats are likely more accurate. While it's possible to play such a way to maximize your kills per death I don't personally feel like that's where the fun lies. You're occasionally going to get teamkilled, run over, or lag out and die. It's not worth fretting over.

    The leaderboard will always be topped by the people who have the most time to put into the game.
  5. Lanka

    One run with Liberator on launch day: 20+ kills from dropping 18 105mm shells on Biolab's landing pad swarmed by TR.. Hell, I had over 40 kills before we finally went down for first time. So yes, good Lib pilot with veteran gunner will get crazy K/D.

    Another good one is go sit at Biolab's vehicle bay while the shields are up. Guaranteed some 100 people will come walk against the shield, pop few shots at it and walk away. All you need is a GL and it'll pay itself back in about hour or so.. ==a Or spawn a Sundy and shoot the guys who try to run through the shields. About every 5th shot hits the part of model clipping through the shield.
  6. rGlory

    Yes with AA turrets thats are joke flyboys are happy.
  7. Mabo

    The leader board is broken, has been since Beta. Besides, K/D ratio means nothing in this game. I'd rather fight with 10 guys going all out to achieve the same objective than 10 of the best stat ****** in the world.