Am I the only one who hunts for AMS Sunderers?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dornez, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Dornez

    I played for 4 hours yesterday. Most of the time defending, I play a medic and there is never a better time to get revive XP than fighting a losing battle. But I noticed something. At the amp stations and tech plants.

    Clone after clone after clone continued to run headlong into the enemy fire and farm eachother. After getting my fill of revive XP I decided to use the jump pads along the walls to determine the location of the enemy's sunderer. After about 20 seconds of flying through the air I had spotted 2, each parked right along side the wall.

    I had certed C4 and untility pouch on my eng just for such an occasion. I decided to go on a quick suicide bombing run. I took the lift up to the top of the towers on the wall and ran along the roof of the catwalk, lept down right ontop of the enemy Sundy, dropped all my C4, raised my head high and pressed the button. The red laughing suicide skull was made to look a bit more friendly as my C4 netted 13 kills.

    I repeated the same process with the second enemy sunderer and our forces pushed out of the tech plant.

    My question is why didn't someone do that earlier? I was just fine reviving people like a good medic, but the people I revived seemed content with throwing their faces against a wall of bullets rather than taking the few min to just locate and destroy the enemy sunderers.
  2. CorticalHomunculus

    Enjoy it while it lasts.

    People are still currently obsessed with the idea of massive battles and the zerg just crashing on top of each other, and as such, many people don't really think beyond "Enemy right in front of me...." This is largely due to the failure to realize:

    A. Bashing your head against the wall is not the most effective option.
    B. Flanking is a real thing.
    C. Infiltrators should hang back and take pot shots, HA should run straight forward glowing light and holding M1, LA should do the same thing but, like, with jetpacks man! Engineer doesn't need to play, just throw down some ammo kits. Medic can revive you for that sweet 75 xp then forget to heal you the rest of the way.
    D. Enemies don't exist in the peripheral vision.
    E. People don't realize that pressing Q actually spots and tags enemies.

    This is hyperbole of course, but once we have more people with outfits, voice communications, variant builds and specific certing strategies, a combined arms approach to game play will return.

    Plus there are a lot of new people in general.

    So, until people wise up -- Flank, Flank, Flank, Flank, Flank, Flank. Enjoy killing sunderers, firebases, turrets, tanks, snipers, medics, and anyone else who wants to be a non-moving meat grinder.
  3. blzbug

    The lack of a working /re faction chat really hurts the defenders. In PS1, you would always call out when you found an enemy AMS. In PS2, there is no way for you to share the information. You had to go Rambo on them since you had no way to tell the rest of your teammates where the AMS' were. Other people probably found those same AMS and just didn't say anything.
  4. PoopMaster

    It seems like no one really does. When I'm HA and find one, I keep q spotting and shooting it with my rocket launcher, and often I'm the only one doing that.
  5. UberBonisseur

    You closed the XP valve for your faction

    I would definitely report you !
  6. Bubblewrap2

    Defending AMP stations, with lower number of defenders than required for a biolab, are one of the best ways, if not the best way (assuming gunning Zephyr libs are not available), to farm certs on any class, including Infils.

    Of course, they are not going to turn off the cert switch!
  7. MobileAssaultDuck

    I drive around getting ram bonuses in my Sunderer.

    Got one on a mosquito yesterday. That needs to be an achievement.

    You can do a lot of damage to an enemy Sundy by ramming it with your own.