[Suggestion] Alternative Engineer Tool (**** my Turrets)

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Lavalampe, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. Lavalampe

    Alternativ Engineer Tool - Empire Specific Turret Modifier (ESTM-Tool)

    Hey Folks, how about an alternative Engineer Tool, that could help you defending via modify your turrets?

    This tool takes the slot of your repair tool. It can be used to modifier your base turrets into empire specific versions.
    There will be an clock-animation like hacking and once completed your turret will transform into an empire specific version with different pros and cons. Those turrets can also be repaired with the tool (but only the turrets). Once you loose your base all transformed turrets will return into normal condition.

    Examples for those Empire Specific Turrets:

    TR AA-Turret: High rate of fire and bigger clip but less dmg and huge spread at distance
    NC AA-Turret: Lower magazin size but higher dmg per bullet
    VS AA-Turret: No bulletdrop but damage dropoff over greater distances

    TR AT-Turret: Switches firemode into a 3 Round burst which isn't that accurate but has a bigger damage-area.
    NC AT-Turret: Much Greater Damage on direkt impact but higher bulletdrop and lower rate of fire.
    VS AT-Turret: Lower rate of fire, less bulletdrop, same damage and impacts slow vehicles by 20% for 3 seconds.


    Nothing here is carved in stone.
    These are just suggestions how it could look like.
    I just would like to hear what you think about the idea in general. :)



    Really SOE? Why did you censor the word P!MP in the thread title? :D
  2. o.Solei.o

    I appreciate the idea you're going for, but a few details...

    The A.C.E. (Adaptive Construction Engine - a.k.a. that round thing you place your turret with) is designed to build anything you have it set up to build. Using the "select fire mode" button on it presently allows you do deploy an ammo pack instead. In PS1 it let you build automated turrets, motion sensors, mines, and C4 charges. In PS2 alpha, it originally had some of the options you are suggesting here.

    I would definitely like to see those options expanded again. I almost never use the turret as it stands now because it's pretty blase at just about everything. At long range, it's lack of zoom/accuracy/dependence-on-tap-firing rarely makes up for its deploy time, and in long range defense, it just makes you a sitting duck painted with a neon target. In closer quarters defense, its damage output doesn't make up for its lack of mobility and situational awareness. I use the ACE almost exclusively as an ammo-pack, enough so that I reflexively hit "select fire mode" every time I pull it out, even on those rare occasions when i actually intend to deploy a turret.

    I would really like to see a few extra blue-prints added to it. Either allow certable variants like the OP suggested, or add in some utility features. Something I would really like to see is a small piece of cover, similar to the shield on the turret, that attaches to a much wider range of terrain than the turret does. (It really hates to be placed anywhere but large expanses of perfectly flat floors.)

    Another idea is a short-range motion sensor. Rather than the infiltrator's mini-map revealing sensor, this would simply make a sound (audible to all) and/or flash a light on the hud of the engineer when someone walked past it. Give this to the infiltrator too as an actual device (rather than an ACE blueprint).
  3. o.Solei.o

    Derp, double post due to website error.

    Actually, an idea for the devs to help communicate to players what the ACE is and what it does, give it a little holographic display that pops up and gives you information about the blueprint selected. (Similar to the grenade control holographic "console" from E.Y.E. - Divine Cybermancy, for those that may have played it.)

    Not only would this be self-evidently instructive, but it would also lend a bit of cool, sci-fi-ish flavor to the engineer and the game as a whole.
  4. Quiiliitiila

    I believe the Op was talking about transforming BASE turrets with the new repair gun, not the MANA turrets.

    As for the OP, I'd rather see empire specific MANA turrets (ones that DON'T have head shaped shield holes BTW) than empire specific phalanx turrets.
  5. Lavalampe

    Yes, i meant the stationary base defense turrets at every base.
  6. o.Solei.o

    Oh derp-a-derp. What I get for posting half-asleep.

    So kind of like a more flavor-based version of PS1 base turret upgrades?