Allow us to unflip Libs/Gals in Warpgate

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lewk, Feb 6, 2014.

  1. Lewk

    We currently have 3 lvl 1 scythes in our warpgate flipping libs/gals. Please implement some mechanism to flip back up. Even a /flip command that will rotate the lib/gal 180 degrees from its current position (when in warpgate).

    I don't think there is much more to say.
    • Up x 2
  2. Bubbay

    This seems to be getting worse every week -- people flying around in Scythes, flipping over any air that gets spawned. You can /report them, though I don't know if any action is ever taken, and if it is, it would be too late to be of any use.

    It's seriously getting annoying.
  3. Moisture

    They should have a flip feature for all vehicles if they dont want to fix the entire map being a gravity inverting minefield of akward bumps.
  4. LibertyRevolution

    Screw the flip over button, vehicles should automatically right themselves when rolled, because nanites!
  5. f0d

    you can usually flip them back by hitting the descend button and pulling your mouse down
    thats what i do anyways
  6. Akeita

    If you don't know, Scythe can get stuck into together due to the curve shape near their head... Then it became a Sumo match from Japan, it's either you going to throw the other guy out of the warpgate or he will throw you out... A pretty meh way to stop these idiot for a second.

    This, Gravity should be disable in the warpgate and everyone can fly. :D