All vehicles will not show on mini map, no need to waste your defence slot on vehicle stealth

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cymric, Aug 18, 2016.

  1. Cymric

    See issue: Vehicles do not show in minimap at all unless spotted

    If you are using vehicle stealth to avoid appearing on the mini map, rejoice! No need to equip it until daybreak fix this. Note that stealth is still useful for increasing lock on time and I believe engagement radar will still track aircraft without vehicle stealth.
  2. Scr1nRusher

    Why are you just so stupid?
  3. ZDarkShadowsZ

    Pardon me for asking, but what is it you're trying to explain here?
  4. Cymric

    I was not clear enough? Vehicle stealth module remove your vehicle from the enemy's mini map unless you are spotted. Right now a bug is causing all vehicles not to appear on the mini map, so vehicle stealth is redundant (mostly). Using another module in the defense slot will likely give you more benefits until this is fixed.

    Not sure why Scr1nRusher is hatting on me though lol.
  5. PyroPaul

    Vehicles are still auto-spotted at their maximum spotting distance (100m) and are tagged on your Heads Up Display. They are just not equally tagged on the mini-map.

    The module still has function in this version regardless of the bug because most people spot things due to HUD Tags, not because of blips on their Mini-map.
  6. Cymric

    Vehicles are tagged on the HUB? Never seen that before except for aircraft on engagement radar. Do you have a screenshot or something showing this? I might learn something new here.