All them freakin' hackers!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by badname02, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. badname02

    Seriously, I'm just about fed up with this game and all of those damn hackers in it!

    It doesn't matter if you play VS, NC or TR or on which server you play. It doesn't even matter on which continent you play you will find hackers E-VE-RY-WH-ERE!

    Now I think you all know what I'm talking about; Hacking brings an unfair advantage to the team who has a hacker on their side. Each and every battle I've been in that had enough hackers brought down base after base after base on our side.

    You can't kill the sons of biotches because you barely see them and when you do they'll have owned your face before you even layed a finger on them!

    SOE: Fix this issue right now or we ALL be movin'!

    tl;dr: Nerf Infiltrators: system hacking is OP