All the TR are Welsh

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Epoch/Eep, Apr 17, 2013.

  1. Epoch/Eep

    So im welsh. I live near valleys and hills and often suffer jokes about livestock although i live in a city.
    I realised after a night of playing on Space Wales (amerish, thanks Digital Legion) All TR are welshman like me. They are all up high on the tops of mountains. Not just the odd mountain EVERY F**KING MOUNTAIN IN THE GAME. Firing their weapons off all over the hillsides.

    It was great fun fighting the Goons, FU and BRTD on miller when they did this stuff but now EVERY BLOODY TR is Welsh.
    Stop it. Roll some armour and aircraft i cant take your dingleberrys anymore!
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  2. Malsvir Vishe

    All I can say is this: "Wut."
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  3. EliteEskimo

    Lol, this strangely comical post made my day. It easy to relate because I have a Welsh friend and I give him a hard time about livestock , sheep in particular, too. :D
  4. Zakuak

    lol awesome!

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  6. Doctor?

    I lol'd so ******* hard at this.
  7. Kaon1311

    A fellow welshman with internet? lol
  8. AnotherNoob

    must be fake.
  9. Bvenged

    Haha, it's true! Even today, the TR were nowhere to be found on Esimir during a 3-way fight with VS at Glacier Station... Oh no wait, there's squads of them sat up on the peaks of the encompassing hills to the North & South-East waiting for vehicles to striker. No combat other than the occasional shot, just sat up with lock-on launchers.

    Basically, if you're not TR, don't get in a vehicle and you're alright.
  10. Ruffdog

    A fellow Welshman who doesn't wear red??
  11. Roobarb

    You all get a +1 from me if you too, all read the above in a welsh accent.

    Bless you OP, and bless this thread.
  12. Phaex

    It seems that the Cardiff zoo acquired a female of a very rare species of gorilla. Within a few weeks, the gorilla became very cantankerous and difficult to handle. Upon examination, the Zoo's vet determined the problem. The gorilla was in heat. To make matters worse, there were no male gorillas available.

    After thinking about the problem for a while, the Zoo management noticed Gareth, a big Welsh lad, who was responsible for Zoo maintenance. Gareth, like most Welsh boys, had little sense, but supposedly had what it takes to satisfy a female of ANY species. So, the Zoo administrators thought they might have a solution. They talked to Gareth and made a proposition. Would he be willing to have sex with the gorilla for 500 pounds?"

    Gareth showed some interest, but said he would have to think the matter over carefully. So the next day, Gareth told them that he would accept their offer, but only under three conditions:
    "'First, ' he said, 'I don't want to have to kiss her.
    "'Second, I want nothing to do with any offspring that may result from this union.
    "The Zoo administrators quickly agreed to these conditions, so they asked his third condition. 'Well, ' said Gareth... 'You gotta give me another week to come up with the 500 pounds.'"
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  13. SharpeShooter

    as a Co-leader of BRTD and being Welsh myself (Carmarthen South Wales) what do you expect lol? ;)
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  14. Epoch/Eep

    Ahh ha! i knew it!

    Sharpe was it you on the FNO btw?
  15. Sen7ryGun84

    This thread is jam packed full of awesome. Thanks op!

    Also: :eek:
  16. Epoch/Eep

    More pictures of sheep plx. Also if you can find any people wearing red clothing on top of a mountain that would be great to :p

    You dont need to show how they got there as TR kinda live on the top of hills now. Maybe a small settlement or campsite might be nice.
    Singing is optional although for some reason can imagine Goons singing like choir boys.
  17. MajorZbug

    Proud to be welsh then, cheers <3
  18. Tommyp2006

    Wait, your upset that your enemy is using the high ground?
  19. Bindlestiff

    Bloody hell, how many of us Welsh are actually playing this game then? Seems like quite a few. How about a Planetside nations cup? For anyone playing from San Marino, sorry guys but you are going to suffer the same fate as your footy team ;)
  20. ExquisitExamplE

    Wahahahaaha. Well-played sir.