Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Marinealver, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. Raltoryc

    People are raging too hard to check, I bet.
  2. Phasics

    I don't think God really cares how much you've paid ;)
  3. Pingonaut

    See the giant red text raging? Guess what kind of person posted this.
  4. Loaish

    Bro i played WoW also for like 4 years I don't need a run-down, difference with WoW was resets were ONCE a week, even Guild Wars 2 didn't go down this often at release. And again, it's in my peak time, I've already been to the gym, studied and killed all arachnids in a 100m radius of my property, now is my PS2 time, yet I can't play because they decide to keep ******* hot fixing this ***** in my ******* peak hour...****
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  5. NoDachi

    Didn't WoW go down for a week during its release?
  6. princereaper

    so many crybabies :/
  7. Raltoryc

    Woah, there, bucko.
    Guild Wars 2 maybe didn't go down as often... instead it went down for like 8 hours soon after the pre-order headstart.

    This is in my peak time too, who cares? Would you prefer to have a broken game? Wait, no, then people would constantly complain about the problems.

    Man the **** up and just deal with it. Not like they are pulling the servers down for fun.
  8. Revanmug

    Your memory of WoW and its glorious patch day are pretty bad. Then again, you only played for 4 years so it is possible you missed say glorious time.
  9. Some1

    I haven't read through all the posts but I hope its been covered all ready that its standard maintenance and will most likely be happening every night for a bought an hour is is standard in most of these types of games.
  10. G1n


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  11. Loaish

    That's true, however my point is, if maintenance is going to be conducted this often then they may as well take down the AU server.
  12. Brenticus

    It's an MMO! And the game's also half-complete. There's obviously going to be loads of updates.
  13. Naithe

    Oh god, you never played an mmo before? its not uncommon for them to be taken down for hotfixes, and its becoming a big trend to take them down daily for maintenance too.

    Be happy they have the sense not to do this during primetime.
  14. Code82

    Note to self. Rage on Blizzard aswell when they shut down servers every week for server maintenance. Oh, wait.. They need to shut them down to maintain my gaming experience?!
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  15. xpsyclosarinx

  16. StarRaven118

    Threads like this disgust me. it just makes me picture the angry German kid that breaks his keyboard.

    WoW was plagued with more problems than this game upon release. TBH this is one of the smoothest released MMOs for the sheer intensity it brings.
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  17. Marinealver

    IMHO no game should be launched as a finished game when it is only half complete.
  18. StarRaven118

    Game is finished.

    You are WRONG!

  19. Kediec

    Every single MMO is only " half complete " why do you think they bring out " Expansions " , and continually balance / patch them . It is the nature of the beast .
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  20. Brenticus

    Who said it was finished, huh? Highly himself stated that the game won't be finished on launch, and they'll always be updating it. Infact, most of the meta game is yet to be released, and hopefully it will by 6 months or so. And most MMOs do shut down their servers to update the game. An MMO is never finished, that's why there are expansion kits and stuff like that.