
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cardinal, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. Cardinal

    Its just me or they need to fix the Alerts xp formula?
    I really like the alert system, and with time it will be even better.But i think that the way it is implemented gives more xp to the side with more pop.Giving the example i have seen it happen 3 times on Matherson the alerted continent beeing 100% NC (gratz for them, they worked for it) but the population was like 50% NC 20% TR 20% Vanu
    What happens next if it stays like this?More people will play NC, the other factions gets frustated and wont respond to alerts.

    What about making it based on territory and population?If the server is pop locked by all 3 sides no changes to xp, but if a faction has more population they should get the same credit?...just saying...
    • Up x 2
  2. Malsvir Vishe

    I like this. Honestly, I think there should be a population bonus for the alert EXP, so the lower population factions get more XP. Obviously, it wouldn't matter after a full continent cap.

    My view: Don't have an algorithm to SPLIT the exp by both population and territory. Have the EXP split according to population, then add a bonus. So, for example, if TR gets a 20% bonus due to low population, but they have half the territory, they'd get 6000 XP instead of 5000.)
  3. Sebyos

    Population has to be factored in. Sadly, SoE is really ******* dumb. It took them months to give proper xp bonus on each continent according to population and looks like they didn't learn anything because they released garbage alerts that heavily favor high population without giving proper rewards for lower populations.

    Sometimes I just want to slap SoE devs in the face and they them to WAKE THE **** UP.
  4. Cardinal

    Got to give some credit to the Devs, i bet its not easy to handle this issues.**** happens when you least expect, and when you playtest olny with SOE staff you dont have all the possible situations happening.They are bringing content at a great rhythm (thumbs up)