Alerts: VS>TR>NC! Why?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by McMan, Nov 29, 2014.

  1. Sebastien

    You could be an adult and address his argument while ignoring whatever perceived slight he directed towards you.
    You could be a child and respond by quoting logical fallacies in a vain attempt to discredit his argument.
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  2. Silus

    At least on Connery, in my opinion it's just really bad planning on the NC's part.

    Like the last alert I ran in, the NC was holding a massive TR advance at Andvari South Bank. We were pushing back and forth, tying up the TR, and then the platoon leader says "Okay everyone, redeploy to the Octagon to help reinforce". Ooooookay, so we redeploy, leaving the TR to overrun the blueberries. We get to the next base, the Vanu have the spawn rooms on lockdown and the timer is ticking down. We redeploy back to Jaegers Fist and eventually have to fall back all the way back to Jaegers Crossing and Two Stone Beach as we continued to falter with our foothold.

    If we hadn't of moved and just stayed where we were, we would have kept those TR occupied and the alert would have turned out differently.

    Also doesn't help that the Vanu and TR tend to gang up on the Connery NC (seriously the Vanu and TR weren't even fighting each other that alert).
  3. Goretzu

    That's just it, even if (and I can't imagine this is true) the NC were just rubbish at alerts (on every server worldwide), then there has to be a reason behind that.
  4. shizzzle

    It's absurd to think that for some reason the player mentality differs from faction to faction. It's same players on all three sides. As in any other game. Some bad, some good. Only reason for superiority of one faction over another one or other two is just pure player numbers. If you have extra manpower it's just much easier to capture regions and win alerts. Simple as that...
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  5. \m/SLAYER\m/

  6. ATRA_Wampa-One

  7. vanu123

    NC on connery consistently have 40-50% server pop, yet they lose by wide margins. The playerbase on NC connery isn't exactly the best. (outside of 00,X,Voc,PG which are talented/great outfits, make up a tiny minority of the total NC playerbase). Not to mention the blatant TKing and complete disregard is worse on NC connery than any other server/faction I have been on, by blatant I mean TKing you without any enemies within two hexes.
  8. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Actually, forget what I said.

    It's obvious that the VS has a glut of OP weapons such as:
    • Pulsar VS1
    • Corvus
    • Equinox
    • Equinox Burst
    • Ursa
    • Pulsar LSW
    • Solstice
    • Solstice SF
    • Zenith
    • Manticore
    • Cerberus
    SOE really needs to nerf these guns since they make VS entirely OP.
  9. FocusLight

    Your irrelevant whining has been noted. I've explained how my arguments are not personal attacks, it is not my fault that you don't know what a personal attack is and is not.

    Feel free to respond to my actual arguments and not keep hoping that people will ignore my arguments because you cry about personal attacks.

    Alternatively, keep at this silly business of yours, your argument is the only thing suffering for it.

    That works for me.
  10. david06

    VS had periods of overpowered weapons for so long that TR and NC preferred to fight each other than the VS, I remember whole platoons that would opt to have a good fight with the NC than deal with PPA spam.

    Also on emerald nearly all the TR and NC outfits look like they are in some stage of rebuilding while VS outfits are relatively established. This is kind of important considering that redeployside, prompt and efficient allocation of numbers is how to win alerts.
  11. BrbDoinYaMom

    As Higby's hair grow's, NC's strength becomes greater.

    No but in all seriousness, NC seem to have the most trolls and lazy players out of all factions (Cobalt). Don't get me wrong, I freaking love NC and it's mentality. Highest population in every server, outnumbered in every fight. What NC lacks right now is active larger outfits that are well organised. NC is currently a bit splitted, and NC having the weakest air, and recently nerfed tanks as well, they are weaker overall and are in need of a buff.

    Vanu on Cobalt seem to have 2 big and well organised outfits in every alert, i always end up fighting against the same 2 outfits in every battle. Having active and strong outfits + overall being OP race, having very strong air, ground and weapons they will of course win a lot.

    TR Overall are the ones I enjoy fighting the most as NC. They don't zrge in such a pathetic way as Vanu, fights between NC and TR are overall fun and equal. But then again, TR air is far more superior then NC (Dem flying refrigerator reavers are horrible).

    NC needs a buff.. NC Need's Higby's hair!
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  12. \m/SLAYER\m/

    TR zerging even harder, the only problem of TR they stuck with their MBTs, so they cant stop zerging unless will be crushed, same with NC. VS best at redeploying and last seconds point flip. NC do well during prime times, there are most leaders online so they always moving their platoons.
  13. Goretzu

    I completely agree with that, except that since the reset of that site the populations have been a pretty steady ~33/33/33 (%) yet the alert wins are ~44/31/20 (%).

    Which is weird, frankly. :confused:
  14. AlCohonez


    Its an insult to injury to even try and rebrand faction imbalance as 'NC just suck'. Yep, the third of the player base happens to be worse at the game and gravitate towards NC. On every server. Right. I'm surprised that whoever makes up these claims has the mental capacity to breathe without thinking about it.

    I play both VS and NC and I know first hand that there are bad and good teams and leaders on both sides.
    However, try to take 10x BR1 VS HA into a fight versus 10x BR1 HA NC. Guess who will win? Exactly. Even the best outfits can't take on a low-BR 96+ zerg. If your average zerg player has access to a well rounded weapons and equipment from the start than your large army of average players will be superior.
  15. amega

    Yap Nc outfits on miller are HIGBY HIGBIES HIBBOLTS. They just dont care about alerts. Vs..... well they just have owerpop. Esterday evening alert on indar 1 min cooldown to warp indar as Nc , 5 min as TR, and ta da .....more then 10 min as VS. Thats just owesome having 7-12 platoons on the map =)) while other factions have 2-4
  16. Xasapis

    You do realise that if you got a queue on all three factions, then all three factions have equal population on the continent, regardless of how many people are waiting in line to get in, right?
  17. Calahas

    I didn't join the NC to make it easy for myself. :)

    Quite the contrary, that's why I grew bored of the VS and TR.
  18. amega

    Sorry for my English. But if i cached you right ... youre words just proof my post. THe pop of Vs want to be in line and on the other hand the pop of Nc dont give HIGBY =)) about alerts =)
  19. amega

    And TR make great things!!! Ican say this as 2 years NC loyal soldier!
  20. Erilis

    I think this is generally true. NC love a good fight (which I totally respect them for) and VS zerg a lot, at least on Connery.

    With that said, who the heck really knows for certain why this is?