Alerts Need Asymmetrical Victory Conditions

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DiHorizon, Jul 23, 2013.

  1. DiHorizon

    A fairly common occurrence on Briggs during primetime is for each faction to have relatively even population and territory control on Indar. Then a facility capture alert is triggered, each empire scrambles to get adjacency to enemy facilities while simultaneously shoring up defenses along the lanes to their own. What follows is a two hour stalemate in which no faction has the numbers to convincingly push and take another empire's base. On the rare occasion an entire empire pushes one base they usually lose their own and the stalemate continues from a new set of positions.
    The problem is that all an empire needs to avert a total loss is to blob their entire population on a single base, effectively making it impossible to capture. What I want is for each faction to have their own set of win/loss conditions to make turtling in a single base strategical suicide. The most obvious alert type would be one in which each faction has to take all three of a single facility type and the first to do so secures a Dominating Victory and ends the alert.

    For example: the NC need to capture all 3 BioLabs, the TR need to capture all 3 Amp Stations, the VS need to capture all 3 Tech Plants.
    In this scenario (and based on current warp gate positions) if the NC pushed North to take Saurva they would do so at the risk of losing Peris to a TR push. If they pushed East to Rashnu they would have to go through Zurvan, potentially denying the TR an Amp Station while also risking an un-winnable three way if the VS turn up trying to push to Tawrich.

    The main advantage of this over the current system is that over committing to a single push or defense risks an opposing empire taking a critical base and being one step closer to Dominating Victory. I imagine non-Dominating Victory experience rewards could be granted as a percentage of total relevant facilities owned. For example, at the end of the Alert the TR has 2 Amp Stations, the VS has 1 Tech Plant and the NC has 1 BioLab. Total Relevant Owned Facilities = 4, TR Exp = 5,000, NC Exp = 2,500, VS Exp = 2,500.
    • Up x 4
  2. Terran537

    This sounds like a good suggestion for another type of alert. Sony probably isn't going to change the current alert types, but adding asymmetrical alerts to the list would certainly help get populations moving around the map and platoon leads making good decisions.
  3. RHINO_Mk.II

    Any alert is better than a continent control alert that starts at 71% TR.
  4. Molvanian

    I certainly like the suggestion, as an additional alert type if not a replacement.
  5. Zombekas

    Just zerg everything, who cares about tactics hurr durr