Alerts: NC had 80% and lost to TR???!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bill Hicks, Apr 4, 2013.

  1. meucha

    Best ESRL, best tank, best ESF, best weapons for an average player and not a l33t "i control every bullet on my 3 round burst" ? Yeah that's TR.
    Of course i'm not talking about you spandex wearers rainbow flag weavers, you could also use a buff like NC.
  2. Shinrah

    Well, I didn´t get to play much yesterday because SOE shut down all Europe servers for the entire evening. So, do tell me are those "capture Indar in 2:00" the only kind of missions? Thats the only one I saw, and I was kinda hoping that its more like "take random outpost Y in XX".
    The sheer audacity of having one mission be to capture Indar during primetime within a certain timeframe is beyond me. It´s literally impossible on any server with enough people to pop-lock Indar. No way any single faction can win against 66% of the population attacking them on several fronts.
    I originally though it was some kind of premature April Fools when Higby posted that screenshot in the GU:6 preview thread....guess I shouldn´t be so naive >_<
  3. Yeesha

    Yeah. Unfortunately it's not quite as funny to us. We got a massive short end of the stick, and it stings. Especially after rallying so much of us to push.

    I agree that population is an issue, it's just a really hard one for SOE to deal with. I'd like some kind of dialog between us and SOE to start to try and find a way to fix it, but it'll be really hard to find a way without cutting somebody's play style short.

    also: I wasn't sure if it did or didn't insult you, and was polite for the best possible outcome. Some people really are insulted, and while I just think it's part of the fun and games, I feel bad when I do hurt somebody. =P

    @ Shinrah: those are the only kind of missions right now, but i believe they said they want to diversify and add a lot more later. These are just the test water for the system right now.
  4. Onineko

    Yeah like I said, I feel bad for the humble NC that were just playing and having a good time trying to win. The ones that kept trying to brag how cool they were, with said pop imbalance... eeh, karma's a *****. It's okay though, the pop will get sorted eventually. First we had the great Vanu horde, now we have the NC one... I honestly never want a TR one. I don't want to lose too many targets to plink in the head ^.^
  5. Worxe

    similar thing with regards to bugged win conditions on briggs about 40 min ago, 10 minutes into the alert VS wins with about 7% cont ownership;

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  6. HadesR

    TR won by Twitter Vote .. Deja vu
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  7. YeOldeSammich

    Yea because only NC hacks right?
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  8. MykeMichail

    Same issue for our Indar Alert on Briggs. NC had about 53% of the continent, TR 40%, VS 7%. VS finished ghost capping Amerish, and the alert ended with VS as victorious, earning them 10,000 EXP for capping a continent there was no alert for.
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  9. Wolfson


    • This is a new, dynamic, server controlled event system. Alerts are automatically triggered and communicated to players through notifications and the [Tab] screen.
    • The Alert type being introduced in this initial phase of implementation is Continent Capture. In Continent Capture, empires will need to control a specific continent within a fixed amount of time. If an empire captures all regions on the designated continent before the timer expires that empire will be declared the winner, ending the alert. If no empire captures all regions within the allotted time, all empires will receive a reward proportional to the territory control (i.e. an empire that owns 40% of the territory will earn 40% of the reward). Players do not have to be on the alert continent to receive the reward. The reward is server-wide.
    • While participating in the event areas players will receive a percent increase to their experience rewards>>
    According to the above statement, one must 'control a specific contient within a fixed amount of time.' If an empire captures all regions on the designated continent before the time exprises, that empire will be declared the winner.
    Guess someone did an oops, since Esamir and Indar and Amerish are seperate continents.
  10. Worxe

    Hes right, oh wait.

    Nope VS never hack :rolleyes:
  11. NovaAustralis

    That was funny!

    The Alert comes up, we're all waiting in anticipation... "capture Indar inside 2 hours."
    Okay... yeah... sure thing...

    About 20 mins later, VS in victorious!
    Say what?!

    I guess the 'Alert system' still needs a bit of work, huh SOE?
  12. Stormlight666

    Only ones smart enough to actually go out and vote.

    PS: While you were sitting at our warpgate waiting for us to step out, we snuck into your house and drank all your beer.
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  13. TrainerS2

    I Guess TR are OP .... like use to be all the time.
  14. Fenrisk

    Two NC zergs defeated by lower pop factions and given 10,000 exp.

    Sounds like SOE are doing it right for a change.

    Maybe the zergalings should switch to a lower pop faction?
  15. FateJH

    Can I say something positive in this thread about alerts? I'll venture to say something positive in this thread.

    The Helios "Going Green" Amerish alert last night was thrilling. The platoon I was with was holding the Bastion towards the very last minutes and seconds when the NC and the VS finally decided to make some appreciable showing on the continent; we were fending off the VS to the very end and it looked like we wouldn't hold out long enough. In fact, within three minutes of the event ending, it looked like the TR would lose, especially when we were down territory 10% to the NC. Then some bases flipped towards the VS and were 33% across the board for a drawn-out period. Finally, one hex flipped to red and we won. There was no other base close to flipping to any other side within the time remaining so we pretty much got the victory by the skin of our teeth. Thanks for a good fight, everyone who was involved.

    These kind of timedking of the hill contests can be a good thing (they are refreshing changes of pace, at least) but I wonder how varied they can make the alerts. Perhaps they should make them less common or indeterminate when the next one will occur, but you always see a certain number within a 24hr cycle?
  16. Slyguy65

    They all play VANU and NC ignoramus
  17. NoctD

    ^ SOE is ultimate fail. If anyone wants to learn how to fail as badly, they only need apply for a job at SOE.
  18. EggfaceMan

    That's a shame that you lost out on those points you deserved.
  19. BHB_rightnow

    Sounds like karmic retribution for our late night china cap to me. Get over it NC.

    Oh and faction whiners (on all sides) grow a pair already.
  20. KillerCombo

    We won it on briggs as in.. most territory and we had control of it in the first place.

    Good on the sportsmen

    EDIT: I'm TR