ALERTS - are they working since the patch?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ncDieseL, Jan 18, 2014.

  1. ncDieseL

    Are alerts still happening since the last patch? I've played several hours today, and there wasn't a single alert during that whole time. I know they can get triggered when things are balanced between the 3 factions, and that was certainly the case several times on Miller today, but no alerts? Have they been switched off during double xp weekend? Or has the patch reduced the number of them happening?
  2. Pootisman

    Same on Cobalt, played 4h today - no alert. (The longest time i played without alert before the patch was 3 1/2h.)
    • Up x 1
  3. Pikachu

    Yeah were are the freaking alerts? And bring back continent specific again regardless of populations. The current model is a failure.
  4. ncDieseL

    Still nothing on Miller, what's going on? It seems more changed in this patch than they let on.
  5. ncDieseL

    This is getting silly. I must have played 8 hours today without any alerts, what's going on? Also, what does the big "Indar Controlled" etc. mean? When I look at the map, the faction it pops up for has alot of territory, but they haven't warpgatted the other factions...
  6. Pootisman

    you need about 75% to capture a continent.
  7. ScrapyardBob

    I've seen alerts on both Waterson and Mattherson... so could be Miller specific and/or you are not meeting the criteria for starting an alert.
  8. Pikachu

    Yay our first alert on Cobalt at ~0:00.
  9. KAHR-Alpha

    IIRC alerts don't start if the server is too well populated. And there seems to have been a population surge.
  10. ncDieseL

    Where's the logic in that?
  11. KAHR-Alpha

    Alerts were originally designed to make people fight on other continents, to stop Indarside 2. If people fight everywhere because the server is filled the need for alerts goes away.
  12. ncDieseL

    They fill a greater need than that IMO. Alerts get everyone fighting towards a common objective. Having a high pop is useless if the majority of it is busy farming in Bio Labs because it's double XP weekend. They also help to shift the battles around inside the continents. Today without alerts, Miller just had a few crown type battles on each continent, which stayed in pretty much the same places all day. The fights were good, I just got a fed up with the same scenery after a while!
  13. ncDieseL

    All day today, also no alerts.

    SOE, just so you know, I didn't bother buying any boosts this weekend because there were no alerts.