alert win and no reward

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Grumluck, Oct 6, 2017.

  1. Jac70

    Yes I noticed that last night. Alert on Esamir and we were in the dying minutes of the alert. It looked like the VS were about to win, certainly the NC had been pushed back. Then 'Alert Incoming' flashed up and another alert started on Esamir! AFAIK I did get some ISO-4 though, there was no message in the chatbox about it.
  2. JobiWan

    Last night on Miller/Indar an alert ended and another one started instantly. I think they're somewhat borked.
  3. Xada

    Just had this issue on Esamir during NC alert on Connery.
  4. Kristan

    There is new issue. Upon logging in you see no alerts going on, no timer or anything, but battles around you tells like it is. Suddenly continent locks like there was an active alert and you get no ISO reward.