Alert Ties

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by stricken78, Feb 2, 2021.

  1. stricken78

    Has anyone followed up or updated how alerts are determined if 2 factions have the same %.

    The only thing I can find is from reddit:

    Lately I've noticed VS creeping up at the end of alerts to tie it at the last couple of minutes. e.g if TR or NC had both 36%, then vanu end of wining the alert. Is there a base system that adds to a factions' victory?
  2. RabidIBM

    I've heard a number of theories, and been able to see most of them disproved. I can't confirm anything, but the only theory I can't disprove is that there are undeclared tenths of percentage points.

    It doesn't always go to the faction who most recently captured a base. That used to be the tie break, but more recently I've seen it not break that way. I also had one salty bugger trying to tell me that ties always go to the Vanu "because Wrel plays Vanu"...I've seen ties not go to the Vanu.
  3. ZDarkShadowsZ

    This is just personal speculation here, though I feel it's down to, as Rabid mentioned, undeclared points. Though we see 35%/35%/30% or similar, it's actually something along the lines of 34.98/35%/30.02%. However, the display rounds it to the nearest whole integer.