[Suggestion] Alert system minor tweak

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GeeBee, Jan 1, 2018.

  1. GeeBee

    Greetings, I play on Connery and the new alert system is pretty stagnant and since we're low pop and stuck on 1 continent we end up playing on a single continent for hours on end. Something needs to change, there's a lot of potential things that could be done but this is the simplest IMO.

    Currently when the alert ends if the faction that did started the alert doesn't maintain over 36% they do not win and the continent does not lock.

    I suggest that when an alert ends the continent locks, if the faction that initiated the alert did not win then the continent locks neutral.

    It feels like anytime i play in USTZ any alert is stonewalled and we get stuck playing on one continent all night, I really don't care if anyone gets a bonus just keep things from getting stagnant.
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