Alert cert rewards not actually rewarded.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by tommyrocket, Jun 13, 2018.

  1. tommyrocket


    I didn't submit those, someone else did. Bug reports obviously go to the appropriate place, but.. I feel this needs some attention. I noticed this issue immediately as I saw it. Cert count did not go up on any alert win or loss; 100% broken rewards. The IS0-4 and decals are rewarded, however, even sometimes dupes of the same one... at the same time.

    Has this issue been acknowledged? Will it be fixed in the next hotfix? I sure hope so, as cert rewards, win or lose, are pretty nice additions for alerts. It used to be just a small chance to get 100 certs only on a win. Now losers can feel compensated for their efforts, too.