Alatus Lancers - Light Infantry Outfit

Discussion in 'Miller (EU)' started by b00ms, Feb 3, 2015.

  1. b00ms

    Outfit Name: Alatus Lancers
    Outfit Tag: [ALAN]
    Server: EU Miller
    Faction: Terran Republic
    Focus: Light Assault
    Contacts: MrHutson or Booms

    With The Alatus Lancers (Winged Lancers) we’re building a small Light Assault Squad with a focus on disrupting the enemy's ability to wage war. To that end our primary roles as a Light Assault unit are:
    • To support Terran Outfits on Large Facility attacks by targeting Shields, SCUs, Defensive Turrets, Vehicle Terminals and Ancillary Control Points.
    • To act in a supporting role in advance of the Main Attack Force on smaller Facilities by stopping the enemy from being able to bring up supporting armour and mobile spawn locations (Sunderers).
    • To facilitate easy movement of friendly forces into enemy facilities in advance of their arrival by securing light bridges and shield generators and destroying defensive turrets.
    • To indirectly effect a successful defense of Terran Facilities by striking at enemy Facilities supporting those attacks, disrupting their ability to reinforce assaults by destroying vehicle terminals, capturing control points and otherwise frustrating the enemy.
    • To act in a supporting role during large base defenses by securing ancillary objectives such as shield generators, SCUs or outlying control points as well as hunting and destroying enemy Sunderers.
    So what are we looking for in you? You love the Light Assault class. You want to play in a team because, for you, playing solo is boring. You enjoy challenging gameplay where you are often outnumbered. You realize the importance of supporting big assaults with smaller strikes elsewhere and don’t mind overwatching a quiet objective while a big battle rages nearby. You can think on your feet when needed and are happy to follow orders from your Squad Leader. You stay focused on your objective, despite easy and tempting targets. You know the importance of good communication in a firefight and have a microphone you are willing to use. You are at least 18 and speak english with good level of fluency.

    Join Us Today! If the above describes you, continue reading below. If this all sounds like something you want to be a part of either reply to this post, apply in-game, send us a PM in game (MrHutson or Booms), or drop by on our TeamSpeak server. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

    We want to stay small. We want to build the Alatus Lancers to be a small but effective Outfit within the Terran Republic Empire with no more than 12 active members. By using tight teamwork and looking at the bigger picture, we want to use the Light Assault class as it was imagined: Squads of specialized Soldiers striking fast at targets from unexpected angles.

    We help our faction to succeed. On the battlefield we fill a supporting role. We ask ourselves: “How can we disrupt, disorganize and distract the enemy from their goals and how can we best support other Outfits in achieving their goals?” This sees us taking out Vehicle Terminals at nearby bases, slowing enemy reinforcements, softening an enemy base before a big push, defending Shield Generators, hunting down enemy Sunderers and many other scenarios.

    Mobility is vital. As a Light Assault Outfit, speed and ease of access allow us to stay mobile. Our preferred method of delivery is close insertions using Valkyries. When our task is done, we move on quickly.

    Teamwork is everything. Far from the lonewolf image that the Light Assault class is seen as by some, you will never find us running around solo. The abilities of the class allow us to move looser, quicker and more aggressively, but our emphasis on teamwork remains at the core of what we do.

    We train by doing. We don’t have entry tests or basic trainings. Instead we conduct short focus-on-topic sessions lasting no longer than 30 minutes in which we go over methods and tactics we use. This is then followed up by putting those into practice in a live environment. We keep things very simple to make the most out of the flexibility of the Light Assault class.

    We are very particular. As covered above, we want to build a Light Assault Outfit that can conduct effective Raids. To achieve this we are looking for Players that want to play as Light Assault. If you prefer playing as say Heavy Infantry or Infiltrator instead, this Outfit is not for you. We also want to keep the Outfit small. We are aiming for a 12-man lock. Enough to fill two Valkyries.