Airlocked with Rocketpods ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheChris, Oct 25, 2015.

  1. TheChris

    Hey guys.
    Is this normal that someone shoot 7 Mossies alone with Rocketpods only ?
    I fought against him and i get locked in Coyotestyle with Rocketpods.

    First i thought that were a second guy but there was no Assisted Weapon. Killed by Photon Rocketpods while dogding with 100% damage. Every rocket was a succesful hit. WTF ?
    what are you thinking about guys?

    Ps. i am not the best Pilot but i am not a complete noob too.
  2. RedArmy

    Photon Rocketpods are deadly - the fact that they fire in tandum vs the other empire rockets makes them even more so. cuz only one needs to hit to cuase dmg to ya and with their faster travel time
  3. TheChris

    But how can i get airlocked while killed from rockedpods ?
    Thats the thing what i do not understand. I dont fly Straight away i dodge and shot back of course.
  4. Neo3602

    Well assuming what you are saying is exactly what happened then they guy is probably a hacker if his photon Rocket pods were behaving like Coyotes.
  5. CorporationUSA

    New bug? New hack? Someone that didn't show up as an assist? I can't narrow it down based on your posts alone, and I've never experienced this.
  6. RedArmy

    u sure it wasnt tomcats?
  7. TheChris

    LOCK A = Photon Rocketpods 100% DMG (Damage.) / Assist was empty.
  8. Thardus

    You mean the Photon A2A Missile Pods? ;) Scythes don't have Tomcats.
    • Up x 1
  9. Ronin Oni


    THey weren't the rocketpods.

    And they function identically to TomCats.