Aircraft - Allow looking around in 3rd person

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Weylin, Jul 16, 2017.

  1. Weylin

    Not sure what the deal is with your view being locked forward, or 80% obstructed by a massive useless cockpit cabin that obscures everything below you. Visibility and situational awareness are complete garbage on these things.

    Liberator or Galaxy for example? As I pilot I can't see what the **** is straight below me in order to ensure that my gunner(s) are properly aligned, or that there isn't a rocket hurtling right towards us.

    On the same note, Flash, Harasser interior, and Sunderer interior, are all needlessly angle restricted. If you are looking behind you, nudge the camera sideways to get closer to the window to see further back. At least those last two ground vehicles can go 3rd person to look around, but sadly I can't say the same for the Flash.
  2. LordKrelas

    Flash has a driver operated gun; That's unlike the Harasser or Sunderer.
    Which seemingly restricts the view to first person nearly.
    If you lack the weapon, the 3rd person view allows basically 360 degrees.

    Just to note.
  3. Lord_Avatar

    Frankly, I'm in favour of restricting 3rd person view even further. You don't have eyes at the back of your head as infantry...
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  4. LaughingDead

    Cept as infantry positioning doesn't matter with your gun in relation to the ground you stand on or position your vehicle is in, you can shoot straight up or down while on the side of a mountain or the flat ground of a building, vehicles however require constant repositioning in order to line up their shots, take the dalton lib for example, the belly gunner RELIES on the pilots ability to get them angles on the enemy, the same is said for all other vehicles since the pitching angle nerf that devs wanted for reasons.

    So yea, I agree with the OP. The thing is that wrel has stated that this, for some reason, can't be done because of reasons. Idfk anymore.
  5. Campagne

    Actually, infantry can't aim directly above or below themselves while in any position.
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  6. Demigan

    I agree. 3rd person view in aircraft already gives them an ideal FOV. They barely miss any view from the top part of their screen but due to the downwards slant of the camera they suddenly have an almost perfect view of the ground so they can just fly over it and easily discover enemies to engage. Additionally during the Reverse Maneuver this gives the pilot an unrivalled view on their potential victims, allowing them to keep track and engage them much easier.

    Restricting the 3rd person view for aircraft would mean that the potential for aircraft escaping each other becomes slightly bigger, which is currently practically impossible. It would also reduce the ease with which aircraft can locate and track enemy ground forces before engaging, allowing ground forces a bit more leeway in trying to reposition and surprise the aircraft so the aircraft can actually miss his target.
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  7. Weylin

    I swear this game and everyone in it has a fetish for badly implemented balancing features.

    Like rather than giving ground some proper AA, or making air weapons do a sane amount of damage, they instead give them complete **** for cameras? I mean it's ridiculous that you have to CONSTANTLY switch from 3rd and 1st person.

    In some cases tanks need to switch view points too, and some just went and put an overlay on their screen to aim their tank properly in 3rd person...

    Unless you're ARMA, leave that strict 1st person immersion to the big boys
  8. FateJH

    And you do not want PlanetSide to become considered one of the "big boys?"