Air to Air missiles need work.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BH Brigade, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. BH Brigade

    I don't mind the idea of A2A missiles, as often times when I have a guy beat in a dog fight he tries to bug out back to his side of the battle, back to the safety of his teammates and AA. That is perfectly fine, however it is frustrating when you're only using guns, because if you chase him you will die (probably). This is where the missiles come in, you shoot one or two at him and hope he doesn't juke them. However, this is not how missiles are being used. I saw a thread the other day about putting a minimum range on them, and I think that is a perfect fix. You can't shoot the missile until the target is 300m (I really have no idea what to put the distance to) away from your ESF, that way you don't have the cheap "hey I'm on your tail, time to spam missiles up your *** that you can't avoid" **** that is taking place now. This way, missiles can still fulfill their role to run down fleeing enemies, and you still get good gun to gun dogfighting.

    TL;DR Make A2A missiles have a minimum distance between you and the target before you can shoot them off.
  2. Chenjesu

    Mebe make it where you have to keep the target in your reticule to maintain lock?
  3. irewolf

    Really don't find A2A missiles a problem. There are so many ways to get rid of them. Go racer frame and vehicle stealth and unless you are really bad you will never be locked again. The locking with A2A missiles is not an issue and nerfing it in anyway is just giving into people who are bad pilots in a game where it is stupidly easy to fly in the first place.
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  4. SuperLexatron

    This makes zero sense. Currently in a close-quarters dogfight, it is very hard to hold a lock - the kind of dogfight where you only manage to burst off a round here or there on them before they leave your sight - if you are trying to hold a lock (and probably failing) you are giving up precious time you could have been chipping away at their health with your primary...

    As for ''hey I'm on your tail, time to spam missiles up your *** that you can't avoid'' - newsflash, if someone is staying on your tail, you're not avoiding THEM not their missiles. Even if they're using primary you can't avoid that...

    Seriously, try this: ''Hey i'm on your tail, time to spam you with rotary up your *** that you can't avoid'' - more skill to use I hear you retort? Well this 'skill' is rewarded with an un-counterable (no derp flares) 5 times as fast (not an exaggeration) TTK, with very little chance of retaliation.
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  5. Bejita231

    If you want to nerf A2A you have to nerf all Air power, because currently the only way to counter Air is with other Air stupidely spaming rockets, just as they spam rockets on ground, this isent a air simulator and you have to consider the bigger picture and not just have a close minded attitude
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  6. irewolf

    Agreed, thing is when people take A2A it's because they just got rocket poded, ergo take A2A and have an advantage over the guys farming A2G and EVEN THEN, you might get one hit on A2A before (if he is good/has support) you will have to disengage. Falres, stealth, sharp turns all counter missle lock. It gives you an edge in a dog fight nothing more and the guys running A2A missles is ONLY there to ruining other pilots fun. So obviously its doing the job well.
  7. phungus420

    A2A missiles need to be strong. I have them on my mosquito, and I like it. That said I still think they should reduce the reticle size and require you to hold a lock in the reticle for at least a 1/2 a second, they way they are now feels too easy. I'd also really like the option to ditch them and go dual rotaries as that'd be the quickest way to dispatch enemy ESFs.