Air gameplay is totally broken

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Alkaid1, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. Epicstrat

    Air game is more accessable to more players now. It's a good thing.
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  2. Alkaid1

    if you mean with accessiable that you nee nerly no skill now you are right... but the skilled pilots feel a litle bit kidding because: why they have trained so hard to be a good dogfighter ig´f its now useless?!
  3. LT_Latency

    It the same for everyone. Sometimes you get overwelmed and die.

    You re spawn and go again
  4. Bixli

    hooray .. more cannonfodder for my beloved skyguard.
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  5. ajma

    Maybe, just maybe, you should be playing a different game.
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  6. Rovertoo

    You mean you think the game is now less versatile because more people can choose to fly what they want? Sounds a bit backwards.
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  7. Sixstring

    If you're so "skilled" wouldn't you just kill them anyway? Being able to maintain air and ground battles is not a bad thing,in certain situations anyone will get shot down fast. This new system doesn't punish people as hard for being aggressive and taking part in the big battles with alot of anti-air which is a good thing.
  8. david06

    Nothing has changed except the number of players in the air. No more lame respawn timers that artificially raise the entrance level. Little padawans that want to learn can now stay in the air constantly if they can keep their ESF alive for just a few minutes.
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  9. Midnightmare

    100 hours you say :p?

    Had 300 hours flying libs before they buffed it, then nerfed again.
    And indeed i did stop flying and mostly left the game as well.....But i enjoyed flying libs even before it was buffed.

    what i really want is thouse 10.000 certs back from my lib not since its not woth the time and effort.
    So yea i left the airgame.....dont wanna waste money and certs on something that changes on a weekly basis.

    to many waste certs! same for my fact that should be the slogan of planetside!
    get skilled at something and we will change it for you!!

    But if you are a great pilot you should have a cake walk swimming in certs.
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  10. Alkaid1

    i dont care about certs i just wanna have fun when i am flying ...
  11. TheBand1t

    While I'll miss being able to swat everything off a continent with a sweep, it's healthier for the game as a whole and exactly what new pilots actually needed instead of 1000 cert weapons that only vets will buy. (Looking at you Coyotes and Locust cannons.)

    Now all they need to do is put Coyotes back in their original state.
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  12. RigelDominar

    More aircaft, more people learning to fly, less timers, more pulls, more scythes to swat with the mighty airhammer.
  13. DQCraze

    I love having a constant wingman. It's more fun fighting 2v2 or 3v3 etc.
  14. Ownasaurusrex

    More chaos means more fun.
    If not go back to playin Gary's mod ya buncha censored
  15. Voss

    I think its broken too when I got coyotes primary to death.

    but after I got coyotes and just spamming them to win, I feel the game is better.

    so , go get coyotes missiles than you're good
  16. Flashtirade

    I can actually feel better about my piloting skills since there will be people worse than me in the skies!
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    pretty sure most of those people already left since PS2 started going twitch-war-en-mass. Most people who enjoy intellectual engagement in their games left PS2 a while ago, and for reasons very similar to your complaint.
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  18. GaBeRock

    By which you mean, go get coyotes, then you're just as much a scrub as everyone else using them.
  19. Voss

    yeah pretty much......

    otherwise theres no other way to deal with coyotes , I think you will agree.

    I mean when you are learning how to fly and trying to have some good dog fight.
  20. Astealoth

    Air game is actually exciting and dangerous now. OP is just having trouble coming to terms with the fact he isn't as good as his jumping solo travelers tactics made him feel he was.
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