aimbots getting out of control

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by runtt, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. Fatal1o1

    From my experiences in gaming and I have many. I remember the first aim bot called the "Rat Bot". They weren't as sophisticated back then as they are today. Today the only way you definitely know the player is using one is because they don't have a clue what their doing. The ones who do know what their doing , you won't be able to tell. I have been out on the net and there are tons of cheats for this game and others for people to choose from. This **** is nuts! Trust there are many being used in PS2. Some people just have to be the best and most noticed at any cost.........pretty sad.
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  2. ElysianDawn

    Reason I started flying ESF'S due to the ground scrip kiddies. then they also took to the aim. then soe nerfed the hell out of esf's not 1 but 2 times now. making them ussless as crap. reason I don't play this joke of a game anymore
  3. HooliganS3

    My "favorite" so far...

    I am playing my VS alt, and run up the stairs to the vehicle terminal in the bottom of a TR tower to flip it with my infil. Sitting in front of the terminal is a VS engineer anti-vehicle turret moving and firing into the terminal with no one standing behind it. It magically fires 2 shots, destroying the terminal, and then a VS max magically pops into existence behind the terminal and runs off. I am guessing the max was invisible when using the turret, because no animation exists in the game to show any class other than engineer manning them.

    I know SOE works hard to track and stop cheaters. I just wish they were more effective at it.
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  4. BozoDaClown

    Is it worth it to play any online FPS anymore if you are a legit player and refuse to cheat?

    I am wondering if I should go back to single player games, the cheating is bad in this game.

    I also think the cheaters lurk the forums ready to pounce on these threads with, learn2play, your bad, I can count on one hand how many cheaters I have seen in the last year, get gud or get rekt, nobody cheats on this game, I would put it at .0005%, etc etc.

    I think that it is getting to the point that if you want to play this game you have to cheat..sadly.

    Anyone ever play All Points Bulletin? Right before the company shut down the game it was like planetside 2. I quit a month before they shut it down. Think it was re released a year later as apb reloaded but ill never go back to that crap game lol.
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  5. Utrooperx

    I would be happy just seeing the old "System wide" announcements that a GM was around again...that used to work pretty good at dissuading the "funny stuff"...but I think those were the guys that got let go a few months ago, as I haven't seen any announcements in quite some time.

    Rather then posting here about it, you might have better luck directly inquiring to Smed on Reddit...or tweet @j_smedley or mail him at Tell him how you feel.

    Smed said previously he was going to "get" these hackers...can't hurt to remind him.
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  6. FlR3

    Yep have seen this very same thing several times, they just jump around taunting while being shot but can't be killed, then they kill you with lighting speed.

    Only 2 game companies that I know of have really took a stand against cheaters by taking them to court and suing them. They both won their cases. As long as the cheat sites (websites) are up and running the cheats and lowlifes will ruin great games. This is not the players (honest players) battle. This is the gaming companies battle against lowlife cheaters (script kiddies) and cheat coders.

    Most of these sites use US servers to deploy (inject) their cheats which in turn goes against TOS, EULA, COC. BUT the gaming companies also take money from cheaters who buy upgrades, memberships, hats, camos, and more. So in turn the gaming company goes against it's own TOS, COC (Code of Conduct) and EULA by allowing this. I canceled my year long membership when it came time to renew as promised because suspending a cheater/botter for 3 to 7 days and then letting them back in the game was a slap in the face to all honest/legit players.

    From now on when I see the cheat sites I monitor putting out cheats for games and upcoming games that are still in beta and not live I will not help these games or gaming companies with buying anything from them. I am tired of throwing away money to gaming companies who lie and could care less if people are cheating/ruining the great games they create. Do I still play, yes I do but will not purchase or give anymore money, and when I see more than 3 cheaters come on I sign off for a while and find something else to do or play.
  7. Bulltahr

    I would be very interested in seeing some more detailed info from you FIR, I hate the cheaters with a passion, looks like you are active in monitoring those dodgey sites and forums. Surely they can be shut down for providing scripts designed soley for illegal purposes?????
  8. Sordid

    In theory yes, but who exactly do you report them to? Their server host? They don't give a damn. Do you then report the server host to the police for failing to act? They can't even keep child p_rn off the internet, videogame cheats are way, way down on their list of priorities.
  9. BRU7AL

    Then why are you still posting in the forums?
  10. TomoB

    I was quite stunned to see that hack salesmen are blatantly advertising their cheat programs in Youtube where also link to their web page is provided. Completely OK, eh? Doesn't break even the tiniest rule of Youtube, eh? No wonder game is filled up by low life cheaters if getting programs is this easy.

    Oh, and there were comments like "Great I don't need to grind anymore to get new gun!" like the cheating monkey isn't even afraid that his account might get permanently locked. Apparently SOE doesn't do anything else than give max. 1 week ban to cheaters as they are afraid that they might lose paying customers?
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  11. DarthGoogle

    I recently got hackused two times.

    First - i was playing as infiltrator, sitting in the middle of Esamir and looking to farm some easy certs. Suddenly, i hear Galaxy engines - and stop looking at my scope, to be aware of surroundings.
    Random Gal, full of squad, stops in 30 meters in front of me hovering, and then one guy drops, while the Gal flies away. I watch the guy from the scope. Once he touches down, he begins to sprint away from me in a perfect straight line. It took me less then half second after that to take him out.

    Then, i got hackused in PM.

    Second.. ill leave a screenshot here.

    HS poor guy over the canyon at Broken Arch. It was a battlefield between VS and NC - maybe thats why he thought i killed him from half a kilometer away.
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  12. FlR3

    Sordid is right, there is nothing we as players can do except monitor the sites and what games they make cheats for. Tackling the servers which the cheaters use to inject their cheats into game clients is the job of gaming companies through their legal departments for violating their terms of service (TOS), and EULA (End-Users License Agreement). An EULA is a legal contract between the manufacturer and/or the author and the end-user of said application. The EULA details how the software can and cannot be used and any restrictions that the manufacturer imposes. Since the cheats inject themselves into game company clients which most are copyrighted by said company and change coding that alters the game play without permission it can be called an DOS attack in court. DOS (denial of service) has teeth in many, many court cases. I could go on but in the last 9 to 10 years of monitoring these sites only 2 gaming companies have took cheat websites and cheaters to court. They won their cases and the websites were shut down and the programmers had to pay millions to the gaming company for lost revenue and damaging the game by loss of clients (players).

    They could no longer makes cheats against that game or show or tell anyone how to make cheats for their games or be fined heavy again. It 's on the internet and all info is there for research. My hat is off to a gaming company that takes real legal action against lowlifes that ruin their games. Hit the cheaters/programmers hard as h3ll in the pocket book and make them think twice before cheating again is the only way to really stop it. With all the laws today set up against terrorism (cyber-terrorism), computer hacking and DOS attacks. Many companies have something to fight with and it has teeth.

    Let me put a thought in you're head to think about. 10's of thousands of us sign in and play a game at any given time. We all travel thru a client which reads the files we have on our computers for said game. BUT lots of cheaters come along and inject coding which changes coding which goes against (or changing) gaming company coding to allow them to change the game only for them. Kind of like a GM who has a password or Admin coding to take control of the game. 1000's of us going in honest and 1000's going in with changed coding (cheaters). Remember some cheaters toggle so it's a coding change on the fly. What do you think is happening to the client/server software programming. I'll put it this way, what happens to you're files when you move them around a lot, changing things and coding switching back and forth thousands at a time. Files start getting corrupt, running slower- lag, errors, crashes, until you do maintenance. Just something to think about. I don't tell names of websites, I have given gaming companies this info about who is putting out these cheats. I'm tired of demo recording people who cheat and wasting HD space. I'm here to play and learn skill which makes me better at my age lol. Getting rid of lowlife cheaters is the gaming companies job because it's their money they are losing in the long run when the games turn into a ghost town because of cheaters chasing people off.

    You want info on websites? I'll say this, just 2 of those site's have over 200,000 loyal members who pay for the cheats. If they have a yearly membership that 150.00 per person. That's big business
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  13. Dunkman

    That IS big business maybe those cheat companies can hire highfalutin lawyers who keep them from ever being sued.
  14. Amfortas

    That's hilarious! And even more funny is that you can crush those braindead losers with a good strategy... I bet a lot of them feel very impotent when they lose their bases over and over again...

    Poor souls. We should make a charity to pay them for a therapy.
  15. Catch23

    They guy OP is refering to IS cheating. He has been caught and recorded while doing so multiple times. Thats proof.

    like that NC heavy I encountered the other day. He was at least as fast ADS strafing with his SAW while shielded as a .75 AR/SMG/ Carb.

    some people will always say that you can't know for sure but thats wrong in these cases. After playing this game for a while you sometimes can tell the difference.

    what I don't know positively is who is using awareness cheats at the same time although I am sure that these are much more frequently used by "good" players than aimbots and that it is totaly impossible to reach certain SPM Levels playing infantry outside spawnroom shooting without knowing where your enemies are, especially while maintaining high or insanely high KDRs.

    but, on the other hand, do I positively know that there is no Santa Claus?

    I don't. but I would bet money on it
  16. bob493

    I've been playing online games for about 15 years now.... In EVERY SINGLE GAME, there are cheaters, ESPECIALLY in FPS's. If you guys are really doubting people aren't cheating, you're really high out of your mind. That said I don't think its a pandemic across the servers, but there are times, where I literally sit there and ponder the shot that just happened.

    Go have a gander at steam's vac page to see how many people are banned from their servers xD
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  17. BloodyG

    A well known TR on Ceres BR100 uses cheats too.
    I hit him in the back with a BASR he runs behind a hill and 2 sec later he kills me from ca. 60m in the opposite direction he used to be...
  18. SidCom

    I wondering... is it really so hard to build a (nearly) bullet proof software anticheat system...or is it just to expensive?
  19. Mastermind

    lol @ people thinking hacking is a myth in this game. just youtube it, plenty of people selling you undetectable hacks. good hackers use them in moderation and convince you they are just really good. sh*t, some players you have respect for IG probably use them.
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  20. SidCom