Again ping problems

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ReGris, Dec 1, 2018.

  1. ReGris

    Well, came back after a while, just bussy.Is good to know they beat the high ping problems. Those infinite ms were troublesome.
    But now i think it came again for me. Yes, already tested my ping and is working fine. Is just in Planetside i have a constant ping of 400 - 500 ms.
    It's playeable, of course, if you dont plan on having fun.
    At least is not like the 50000ms of a few months back, but it seems this time no one is having this problem.
    Please, i have no idea how to fix this and its going permanently for a few days.
  2. Ketenks

    Try ethernet connection and try a different server. Upgrade your internet speed if possible. THEN if that doesn't change things, upgrade your pc.
  3. ReGris

    Are you kidding?
    First of all ping is not related to internet speed and i dont usually have this problem in PS2 and again, i already tested in other games and directly to US servers to check if it was my fault.
    I have 13 mbs of internet, but even with 3mbs the game should run correctly so f**c off.
    And yeah, sure, i ******* get instantly disconected from the game because my hardware. It makes a lot of sense, hu?
  4. Talthos

    It sounds like a connection routing issue either with Planetside 2 itself, or your ISP as it attempts to connect you to Planetside 2's servers.
  5. Skraggz

    You should have your forum posting ability taken away, this is either a troll or ignorance.

    I suggest a free or a trial usage of an VPN, do believe ExitLag has a 2 day trial, and mess around with the servers and routing to see if it helps.
  6. Ketenks

    The point is, what else can you do? There is nothing outside of your control that you can do. So hope for the best. If it's honestly their fault then you have to make a support ticket to figure out if there is a bug, not ask on the forums.
  7. Skraggz

    Troubleshooting is commonly asked on forums, my point was your statement had no reasonable advice whether intentional or not. That said, Roxxlyy reads the forums often and can push issues up if she deems it to be important.

    P.S. "Upgrade your computer" Doesn't resolve ping related issues.
  8. Souci

    There seem to be a massive delay between what i see on my screen and what actualy happens. So i get shot even ~ 2-3 seconds after a peaked back the corner while playing with a 30-50 ms ping. This also effects the majority of players on my server which is Miller.

    Just to clarify i am not talking about the usual "death around the corner" i am used to. What we have right now is just ridiculous and is even for a tryhard like me unplayable. This problem occured on December the 1st and is still a thing.
    I would be very thankful for any information form the ps2 team regarding this issue.

    Here is the link to a similar thread on r/planetside and some videos demonstrating the problem:

    • Up x 1
  9. Souci

    Still a thing:

    Roxxlyy can you as our community manager provide any information ?