After Winning Everything Vanu, the Verdict is in

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FnkyTwn, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. FnkyTwn

    You guys have:
    -Best Organized Outfits / Platoons / Squads
    -Best Tactics
    -Best Coordination
    -Best Team Effort
    -Best Looking Skins
    -Best and Brightest People IRL

    Despite facing the vastly superior MAX spam and having half the clip* size
    of the other (lesser) factions you still managed to pull off a decisive victory!

    Curse you handsome devils!
    (it must be your OP night camo)
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  2. Optrex

    *Blushes* Thank you
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  3. Haterade

    VS players are both individually and collectively so incredibly awesome it doesn't matter that their weapons and vehicles are (at least according to them) not OP in the least and perhaps might be a little UP. <--- Every VS player ever.
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  4. Highduke

    Every faction has all of these...
  5. Bambolero

    Heh, keep telling that yourselves, whatever makes you feel like you are best at 'something'.
    Rest of us know better.
    It's both funny and sad reading these types of threads.
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  6. An Hero

    Rofl, he is serious which makes it even funnier.
  7. VethEU

    He is being sarcastic...
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  8. An Hero

    Sarcasm is funny...

  9. almalino

    I think VS must be buffed. They are too weak and only wins because of welkl organization and power of will. It like they have to fight with their bare hands.
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  10. AdrIneX

    The VS clearly are the best players in this game. I think I might switch to spandex jeans after Game Patch #2
  11. almalino

    I saw people were complaining that PS2 has no end game like other shooters. Now we know that PS2 has end game. VS won. Game over. Move one to another game :)
  12. unsinnsschmierer

    Yes buff the VS, the lost a challenge in a couple servers, that shouldn't happen
  13. Kapernum

    This thread was meant to ridicule the VS. It succeded in doing that.
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  14. FnkyTwn

    My post is not the Bible.. you can't interpret it any way that you'd like.

    Vanu won because they are superior players. What's so hard to understand here?

    Or.. being that Vanu is the 'tech' faction and thus draws more nerds to it, maybe
    a Friday night contest benefited those who stay home instead of the TR and NC
    players who are maybe more active in real life?
  15. Uben Qui

    If the VS won wouldn't LevelCap be on the launcher instead of Bisquit with the statement of victory? Clearly the winner of the event is the faction that is on that launcher credited with winning by SOE.

    Terran Republic won.
  16. gudman591

    Considering to switch. TR is OP in every way possible, to the point where players don't even know how to play the game, zerg does it for them. "Event" showed that perfectly.
  17. CommodoreFrank

  18. Geekker

    What if the only real advantage that Vanu have is that they are the most fun faction to play?

    I just say flying over obstacles with Magburner, crazy scientists with best music theme, Scythe forks sliding over the ground picking up road kills, light show pew pew guns, they are purple and we have Margaret aka PurrfectStorm cheering us up almost every friday night :)

    People just get highly motivated when playing Vanu. There is no way peple can deny this :p
  19. TintaBux

    Without evidence this is null. The only way to be sure would be to put all VS players on NC, NC on VS then have a battle, same with TR.