After playing BF4 for the past week, I've come to appreciate PS2's high TTK a lot more

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SquattingPig, Dec 20, 2013.

  1. SquattingPig

    BF4 is a game where BS stuff that happens is standard. 1 hit kills, killed by enemies going around corners before seeing them, not being peek for .00001 seconds without being killed instantly. People say this is BF4's horrible netcode.

    While I agree with this, there is another component, the short TTK. I'd estimate it to be 2-3x shorter than PS2's. Why is this important? There is a delay (beyond normal latency) between when the enemy starts shooting at you and when you receive any indication of being shot that is at least a fourth of a second I'd guess. In situations in BF4 where guns are doing full damage, the TTK is around a fourth of a second, meaning if the other person is really quick or prefiring, you're dead before even seeing them.

    PS2 has its share of BS stuff happening and the netcode isn't great, but the higher TTK means you can at least react in a majority of situations, take cover when you need to, and not be frustrated all the time.
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  2. libbmaster

    I think wrel mentioned in a video he did about SMG's that half a second is about the lower limit of the average player's reaction time.

    It would be nice if they set this as the lower limit for TTK in this game. Make pump actions a two shot kill, but still be the fastest TTK of all weapons and build from there.

    So that, regardless of what weapon you have and what weapon is being used and the skill of the other player and your own skill, you have at least one tiny tiny smidgen of a chance to fight back.

    Would keep us from having "One shot or get one-shoted" meta...
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  3. Hatesphere

  4. Pikachu

    When and why did games enter this short TTK era anyway? And being all about ADS as well.
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  5. Xale

    Shorter TTK is more accessible - since it has much lower demands on player accuracy. Spray and pray becomes far more valid.

    Also note that games generally avoid high movement speeds, weapons with quirky behaviour, and weapons that require any real amount of tracking/leading. Again, all because they are less accessible.
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  6. Hatesphere

    yeah people claim that shorter TTK is "more skilled" when in reality it is less skilled because it only really rewards reflex play. I had far more fun with the softcore play in call of duty games, but the hard core is the most popular because you can kill someone with 1 or 2 bullets without having to think about it.
  7. Rogueghost

    I like to think that PS2s TTK is about as perfect as you can get in a fps, sort of in the Goldilocks zone, not too long, not too short.
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  8. Admiralty

    I loved BF2s TTK, those were the best days for me.

    that that for real?!?
  10. Hatesphere

    I hope so, that's so awesome ****.
  11. Locke

    It is. He got a big % of it soloing
  12. Jaedrik

    I disagree, on the other side of the coin, a shorter TTK makes reaction time and gunskill far more important. Fact of the matter is that I really don't think it's about TTK, while I agree completely with the OP about PlanetSide 2's TTK being long.

    I think it's about gunskill as a whole, and we can't point to TTK as the sole variable in gunskill that matters. I will agree with you on the second note, though, it is sad we don't have any proper arcade shooters anymore.
  13. XOLiD