After patch, what is YOUR favorite TR LMG?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by copywrite85, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. copywrite85

    Wsup red bros. Just wondering after this patch which light machine gun are you loving? Please explain your load out, role with, and general reasoning behind choosing your weapon. Thanks.
  2. Hodo

    For me the T-32 Bull. I love that thing, decent rate of fire, good damage, controllable.

    I run either the Thermal scope, or the Reflex 2x with the forward grip, compensator, and depending on the location (if in a bio lab or other CQB fight) I will run soft point ammo.

    I use it as it is intended, as a all purpose CQB assault rifle. With its 60 round mag and quick (before the patch) reload, I can take out 3 people easy before having to reload.

    My HA is setup with Nano 4, resist 4.
  3. Pie Chasm

    Both pre and post patch (for me) it was: TMG-50

    Compensator, forward grip, 2x sight

    I think that for any kind of serious player this gun is currently the best choice, because headshots now mean more than they have ever before and mid-long range requires serious burst fire and burst control for that to happen along with bullet velocity and bullet damage.

    The TMG-50 also doesn't trade as much short-mid range viability as the Rhino does and the DPS difference between it and everything less than a CARV/Orion is trivial.

    The CARV and CARV-S are close seconds, the CARV being more 10-20 m oriented and the CARV-S being better for mid-long range encounters due to easier to manage recoil and a 2x scope.

    PS: The CARV-S received a recoil buff and is now much easier to use for range.
  4. jiggu

    T7 Chaingun
    No regrets
  5. Corvus Corax

    Haven't had the opportunity to try the Bull or Rhino for any extended period of time, but I've been rocking a TMG-50 for months now, and it's never really failed me. It's more than serviceable in CQC as long as you know what you're doing and pretty dominant in mid-to-longer ranges. With the right attachments, it's a hell of a weapon.
  6. Mxiter

    what changes to TR LMGs the patch did?
  7. copywrite85

    If any of you guys are on waterson friend 'Artacyrus'. We can discuss guns/load outs/builds post patch.
  8. Pikachu

    Still use carve with laser. Sometimes tmg.
  9. InstantWanton

    The CARV. It hasn't changed much and I'm still able to hip-fire foes <10 meters away from me.
  10. pnkdth

    Hard to pick one as I am very fond of both the SAW and GD-22S, but I'd say the SAW because everything about it is NC.

    For VS, Orion. Liking the lessed first shot recoil despite the other nerfs.
  11. Rogueghost

    Still the Carv, 100 rounds of pure terror flying at the enemy at 750 rounds pre minute.
    • Up x 1
  12. iMartyr

    I held off on purchasing the T32 Bull because i felt it under performed but with the recent nanoweave adjustments i decided to trial it again and i found it more suiting for my playstyle then any other LMG i've played with on TR now.
  13. Danath

    Now that the minigun doesn't have spinning delay, I'm loving it. Stun grenade, get inside, DAKADAKADAKA, profit. One of my flaws is reloading too much, like doing it despite still having 80/100 bullets, and yet I put the extra magazine in this beauty.
  14. Elkybam

    The MSW-R is like a extended mag version of the T1 Cycler, my favorite weapon, which also carries a longer reload time and worse recoil. But still why heavy assault remains as one of my least played classes.
  15. Edelhonk

    Long range = T32 or NS15M with comp, foregrip and 4x TMS scope

    medium range or as jack-of-all-trades = CARV-S with foregrip, softpoint, comp and any optic you want (i have 2xReflex, 3.4x reddot, 4x TMS and NV)

    close range = MSW-R with NV or 1x reflex-optic or iron sights, Adv-Laser and soft-point
  16. Makora

    From what I've used the Carv is the most solid weapon. But since I got auraxium on it I had to go for a new gun. Tried to use the chaingun and it was just....bad.

    T16 Rhino is where it's at. For close range I rock the extended magazines, for general purpose the advanced foregrip.
  17. -Synapse-

    Still the default CARV. Nothing tears people apart faster, not even the MCG.
  18. KnightCole

    Idk lol.....the LMGs on NC and TR seem to handle alot worse now.

    EM6 has to be burst fired or its not worth a **** at any kind of range now. NC6 blooms way to damn fast to be worth anything.

    CARV-S is nicer. CARV is worse at range now....bloom is like instant and absurd.
  19. TsubasaKuroi

    T9 CARV- within 20m that is. Running a 1x and foregrip on it, found it wonderful in tower fights and trying to clear out the stairs of enemies.

    Otherwise I'd rather use my NS-15M with 2x, foregrip and compensator. Too used to have that .75 ADS movement speed as a VS Heavy. It's very accurate and I found it pretty easy headshot with. (although I do think I need to get better at headshotting enemies with it)
  20. Snipe-yo-face-yall

    Chaingun!!!! Still da best!