After hotfix carv 9 and carv 9s

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BlueyTheWolf, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. BlueyTheWolf

    Officially there are no info saying these two guns adjusted.
    Unofficially I tested them out after patch.

    TL : DR
    I have 901 Carv 9S kills and today it received its kill power back.Its TTK lowered and range buffed,bullet spread is still a major problem on full auto but controlled burst working well on range which wasnt before hotfix.

    I tested Carv 9 and its now back to its once glorious form again even better.Bullet drop and spread is lowered and range buffed*tested on 200-300 meter* along smoothed handling.Definitly will return to it.

    Read if you want part

    Tho people said I was "whining" in the end I was right.After major patch carv 9 and s nerfed.Which reduced their effective range greatly.*Only Tmg50 spared from nerf*

    I also noticed vanu guns lose their immense kill power over range which often both factions called OP even tho vanu should have less damage as the distance grows.This lead to ridiculessly mass vanu population drop but on the other hand; I realised developers buffed range and added lesser bullet spread to SAW and several nc carbines "still same after hotfix".

    Since both of TR and vanu guns get their effective range reduced, this made NC king among the factions.


    I was gonna make thread about this but then I realised this is planetside 2 forums where everyone accuse each other with whining,crying,delusioning and lying so I didnt.

    After seing several thread about carv 9 adjusted.I wanted to make this thread again.

    I have 901 Carv 9S kills and today it received its kill power back.Its TTK lowered and range buffed,bullet spread is still a major problem on full auto but controlled burst working well on range which wasnt before hotfix.

    I tested Carv 9 and its now back to its once glorious form even better.Bullet drop and spread is lowered and range buffed along smoothed handling.Definitly will return to it after getting Auraxium medal for carv 9s.

    *Actually my goal was to prove even with a bad gun its possible to take Auraxium medal without shotguns or sniper rifles.* side note about C9S

    Now that TR weapons have range can be par on NC guns.Map today*indar-indarside 2 ^^* was how it was used to be at realese,almost equally shared between three factions,major land swings only lasted short period of times.

    Since there wasnt much vanu players out there, Im not sure about their guns after hotfix.Most of the vanu I fought agaisnt were in vehicles.

    Definitly hotfix balanced game greatly, even smallest changes effect the game so much.I seriously didnt understand why vanu mass dropped their faction.I dont think previous nerfs werent as bad as TR ones.They still have potent weapons.

    As a TR player Im so happy about this fix.I hope people wont mass Q_Q so soe wont take this buff right back.
  2. Ghroznak

    You do realize that NC are now in a better position due to the warpgate rotation?

    Have a look at the Indar maps when TR had the north warpgate and see how TR were the "kings" on the map, owning 50% of the Indar map at all times (the entire seabed north of the mountainrange that splits the Indar map in half from east to west).

    It's not only because NC guns were improved.

    Anyways, as far as the T9 goes, I never really liked it. Not pre-nerf and not now either. I'll stick with my T16 which performs admirably when covering firing lanes and mid-range support in the open.
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  3. Cyridius

    It didn't.

    Nothing was changed. Nothing was fixed. Placebo.
  4. BlueyTheWolf

    I dont like judging people by kdr but well if you have a negative kdr on mattherson
    I'd say I cant ignore you.
  5. Cyridius

    Annnnnnd it's confirmed everybody.

    This guy's an idiot.

    The OP raised my suspicions a bit, but when his only response is "Hurr durr kdr" you know he's a COD kiddy.
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  6. BlueyTheWolf

    Well you might be right about indar but until today we had massive losses on amerish and esamir too.Its not just warp gate.Most of the players were saying "/y" *Lets go for vanu instead of NC* also vanu players made similar chatter.It was abudently clear.NC was a tough nut for couple of days.
  7. BlueyTheWolf

    Great.Forum argument time.
    I hate cod and I didnt play it for 5 years.
    and as far as farming goes, I dont use liberators and I dont use rockets on infantry.
  8. tugernut

    you must not have ever worked in a large outfit like the enclave
    to be effective you have to move in a seconds notice , which means a ton of suicides
    look at any persons k/d thats in the enclave

    hell look at mine
    k/d is **** and tells you nothing about a player
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  9. SpcFarlen

    I never saw any notes, nor felt any difference. If there was really a change, we can data mine to see. If its not coded, it never happened.
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  10. BlueyTheWolf

    How about make a TR account and see it yourself ?
  11. TheBloodEagle

    Did you really need to make a huge ranting post on this? Couldn't you have just gone into the HA section of the forum and simply said what you wrote in red? or are you trying to induce another huge QQ buff/nerf thread?
  12. JackD

    People need to stop opening threads about ninja buffs/nerfs that were never made.
    • Up x 2
  13. Vertabrae

    I play TR a lot, and had a good 5 hours played today. I usually run the Carv-9 (never bought the S) and I can't say I've noticed a difference. Always worked well for, but doesn't seem to be working better than usual. I too would like to see the stats to see if anything actually changed. I play a lot of NC as well and we all thought something had changed then was changed back. Turned out nothing was ever changed.

    Oh, and as for KDR. If that's your go to stat, that's fine. Judge yourself by your KDR. Don't apply that to anyone else. I might suicide 5-6 times bouncing around looking for a good battle. KDR means about as much as a toilet bug.
  14. TheBloodEagle

    To be fair there have been ninja nerfs and buffs on a variety of things and it takes a few days for it to show in the Weapon Data Sheets or acknowledged. There was a whole thread on stuff they changed but didn't include in the patch notes. Now I'm not saying this thread is that case but I am saying it does happen.
  15. GamerOS

    Operation time, we also call it the suicide happy hour due to the amount of times /suicide is done.
    So much fun...

    Also, give me some spreadsheets with the new data and I'll believe you, otherwise I'd have to blame the placebo effect.
  16. BlueyTheWolf

    Nah Im not trying to rant or making buff/nerf thread.
    People were saying there was a buff on carv9 in game and on forums.
    I just came here and told what I have think and experianced since the last major patch.
  17. JackD

    Never saw one confirmed. Just people saying their stuff got nerfed, buffed without anything backing it up
  18. SpcFarlen

    Yes and have had characters on all factions for about half a year now since tech test because there is always someone that brings up the "oh you dont play them you dont know anything" argument which is such a moot point to ever bring up.

    All i stated was that you need to supply some actually evidence, how something feels is far too personal and situational. I am not doubting if there was or not, but i am doubting the evidence you presented.
  19. TheBloodEagle

    I'll give you a simple example.

    Game Update 1
    All it says is "The T9 CARV and CARV S now have increased equip time."

    Weapon Data Sheets
    T9 CARV Horizontal Recoil 0.2 → 0.225
    T9 CARV-S Projectile Speed 620 → 600, Horizontal Recoil 0.2 → 0.225

    Many people posted about it, many people were called nuts and then the Weapon Data Sheet was updated.
  20. pucwyczes

    Well TR is telling me my guns got imroved, joke or what ? They didn't.