AF-7 Cyclone, the new NC SMG, is perfect for LAs.

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Craig1287, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. Craig1287

    I've trialed the other two faction's SMGs and they are great, but they are already close to what their factions already have available, for the NC, we now have a fairly accurate weapon with a low amount of bullet spread and more than a 30 round magazine (excluding LMGs and the NS-11A). For us LAs, it is a match made in Heaven. Toss on the extended mag and you are set for some fantastic flanking.

  2. Corezer

    you already tossed in the extended mag, otherwise it doesnt have over 30 rounds
  3. Craig1287

    Yea, I guess I worded that poorly. That was just meant as a closing statement and earlier when I said that NC finally have a 30+ weapon I was just trying to point out a difference between the guns.
  4. Corezer

    It is definately a good gun, loved it just on the trial. I wonder what the min damage is. I'm sure it can be figured out easily enough based on shots to kill at long range.

    Due to its suck at range, im not sure if I would put soft points on it, might work out...
  5. Craig1287

    Since the projectile velocity is already so low, I'm thinking that the soft point ammo will not make too much of an impact. I'll wait to try it out for a couple hours and also till I can see the stats on its minimum drop off range till I form a solid opinion.
  6. Craig1287

    Huh... I guess the light assaults don't like the AF-7... Bummer. It's a dream for taking on more than 2-3 enemies which the GD-7F can struggle with. It's also fantastic at getting headshots. Oh well.
  7. Ghoest

    The miserable lurch this gun has when landing seems to a signfigant problem for LA use.
  8. Craig1287

    Since the patch, there seems to be a lot more movement/shaking when using the jump jets. The AF-7 seemed similar to other weapons when boosting around.
  9. HerpTheDerp

    Dude you made this thread a day ago. Most people don't have a 1000 certs lying around to immediatelly jump on it like you apparently do.

    I think it's great, might be a first weapon I'd consider putting extended mag on.

    What attachments does it have? Everything?
  10. Craig1287

    Well, there is the trial system, but I was just hoping people would ask questions, similarly to what you just did.

    For the attachments, it has all the typical scopes, but the 1x and 1x night vision are probably the only two that matter. It has soft point ammo (which I encourage with it). It has the compensator, flash suppressor, and suppressor (very dangerous to get SP ammo and suppressor as its projectile velocity is already very low). Finally, it gets a flashlight, laser sight/advanced laser sight, or extended mag for the 4th slot. It really sucks that the extended mag takes the place of the laser sight/advanced laser sight.
  11. Bambolero

    I trialed it and I liked it a lot but I wouldn't trade my GD-7F for it.
    The SMGs are very short range from what I noticed, and I can't guarantee that I'll stay in it's effective range every fight.
    The GD-7F isn't all that great at range either but it's still operates well enough at somewhat longer range then the SMG.
    The SMG would work best for Tower assaults I guess.
  12. Achmed20

    still not sure about the gun in combination with LAs. awesome reload rate, awefull range. it kills fast CQC but so do other weapons we have. meh ill stick with my GD7F and shotguns i guess.
  13. Trenyt

    I've currently got 3 loadouts: CQC with Cyclone, Mid Range with GD-7F and Long Range with Shotty/slugs. I'm seeing how this works.
  14. Lakora

    I'm using it with Drifters and Adv.Laser sight and just love it. :D the CoF with Adv. Laser is roughly half the size when drifting comapred to without it. But I will admit I'm curious on the extended mag... Maybe another day.
    • Up x 1
  15. HerpTheDerp

    No HVA? Weird to have a gun with a compensator but no HVA.

    I don't like GD-7F for LA because it seriously limits your killing potential. It has the usual 30/150 ammo count but only 143 damage per bullet, and the crazy RoF means you're almost guaranteed to "overshoot"(that is, fire more bullets than you actually need) pretty much every enemy you kill. Between the two, you are able to kill noticeably less people without restocking than you are with the 167 damage alternatives(Merc, Razor).

    So for me, because of this, Cyclone with extended mag is definitely worth considering.
  16. Achmed20

    the trick with teh GD7F is to fire to short bursts a 5-6 bullets, which will kinda make every bullet hit.
  17. Craig1287

    Same close and medium range I use, but I haven't really used the shotguns much in PS2. I wish you could trial them with slugs.
  18. Craig1287

    True, but if you burst too often, it can defeat the high RoF. I still love the GD-7F but the AF-4 has become my close range gun of choice, and as a primarily LA player, that is 95% of my time. If I get to a big, open field battle, then I'll switch to the GD-7F or the AC-X11 based on the terrain.
  19. Trenyt

    Nearly got all the side grades for the Cyclone and I've been experimenting with it. Having got the Auraxium medal for the GD-7F i fancied trying out this weapon for both medals and to see how it performs. I'm still trying to find out whether it provides a more accurate shot while jetting. I do like the noise and the moving parts, part of its appeal is the aesthetic to :)
  20. Bluecricket

    Posting this here for a little exposure:

    The 'lurch' after landing with SMGs is a major issue, and I hope it's not intended. Otherwise I agree; the Cyclone is a fantastic addition to the NC arsenal, and fills a unique niche that NC weapons generally lack; a non-shotgun, high-dps CQC weapon without a 2+ second short reload.