[Advice Needed] What is a good/effective way to take out a max.

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Vidraken, Aug 10, 2014.

  1. Vidraken

    Hello. I need advice on destroying maxes because I don't really know any effective ways to take them out. When ever I have tried to face a Max at 1v1 combat I always lose and barely put out 1 health bar of damage against it. I play every class and I don't really have a main class type yet but any advice would be appreciated.
  2. Plunutsud pls

    Rocket primary or pull a MAX yourself.

    C4 also works but that's more complicated.

    Engineer's deployable AI turret is another option.
  3. Vidraken

  4. Botji

    In most cases you want range, the second you are close to a MAX is the second you die.. pretty much.

    HA is by far the easiest class, you hear the MAX clonking about or its weapons roaring and your fellow faction mates dying cries, so you whip out the launcher. You still want some range or good cover to be able to fire a rocket and reload it...

    If the MAX has proper support then forget it, only way you are killing it is with C4/AV mines but even then proper support means there is also at least a medic around nearby so unless you are really good or they are really bad you need to kill the MAX and at least 3-4 other infantry, otherwise the MAX will just rise from the dead and you wasted resources on C4/AV mines.
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  5. khai

    c4 works well just lay it beside a door and lure the max in most of them are overconfident when they are facing a single non max. Now this may or may not kill him so get ready to finish him off with your main. Depending on what type of max you want to be different ranges from your trap, with TR or VS you want to be close but outside the blast range of your c4 as it goes off get in close and try to get behind him remember to shoot even while running you should not have to do that much damage after the c4. With NC max you want to be as far away as possible because he is probably packing shotguns of some sort. Against NC stand off and unload. You can try the same tactics without the c4 but your going to die unless the max is already hurt.

    second is dumb fire rockets find some cover with your HA and snipe the max with rockets.

    Pull a tank. Max beat infantry, tank beats max, air beats tank and nothing can beat air except other air.

    The final options are to even the playing field pull your own max with your preferred anti max weaponry. Just like against tanks infantry is not actually meant to be on an even footing in a 1 vs 1 fair fight.
  6. Vidraken

    Okay. So if the max has support then target the support and try to take down the engineers, and then the medics that will be reviving the engineers, and then after that point you have a small amount of time to take out the Max unit.

    I'm guessing it's a task for a small group of people to commit to instead of just one lone wolf.
  7. cruczi

    Infiltrator: only engage them at long range, you can do some serious damage with sniper rifle headshots but it's really just a very efficient way of making your location known to other enemies.

    Light assault: Jetpack + C4. Don't engage them head on. You want to flank them, set traps in doorways, or attack from an elevated position, .e.g drop bricks from a rooftop. Theoretically, you can use smoke grenades (or underbarrel smoke grenades) to cloud the MAXes vision and allow you to close in for a C4 attack. But that rarely works if the MAX is supported by other infantry.

    Medic: Generally, you want to leave it to other classes to fight MAXes. But you have access to C4 which you can use opportunistically.

    Engi: AV mana turret is great versus maxes at long range. AI Mana turret works wonders if they're trying to close in on you, because the shield protects you from their AI weapons pretty well, although you don't stand a chance if they Charge. On top of that, you have access to C4. You can use tank mines against them as well. A few days ago, I killed a MAX who was chasing me around a tree by dropping a tank mine, turning around and blowing it up by firing at it.

    Heavy: by far the best MAX killing class. Concussion nades + dumb fire or concussion nade + C4. When concussed, the MAX won't be able to do anything to you for a few seconds unless you're right in front of it. That's plenty of time to fire a rocket and if it's still alive, you'll already have the second rocket nearly ready when the MAX recovers. Alternatively, switch back to your LMG immediately and finish it off before it recovers. At close range, C4 is preferable to rockets. If you don't have conc nades available, you should fire rockets from behind cover. It takes around half a second to fire a rocket around a corner, most enemies don't react that fast. Finally, you have AV grenades which do very good damage on MAXes, but I don't think they're worth more than conc nades.

    Shotguns, particularly the semi autos with extended mags, are also fairly useful versus MAXes if you get the drop on them at close range.

    Also, all of the empire specific Heavy weapons (Lasher, MCG and Jackhammer) are pretty good versus MAXes. MCG with extended mags does enough damage per mag to kill two Kinetic armor MAXes, theoretically; no other weapon can maintain the DPS of 143@800 RPM for a full 200 rounds without stopping for bursts in between - not even close.
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  8. Vidraken

    Thank you. Looks like I made a good choice in buying the AV turret for the engineer class, most of my encounters with maxes have been long range.
  9. RobotNinja

    I kill more MAXes with bullets than anything else. When you see an enemy MAX charging into a parade of enemies with 20 engineers hugging his butt that's when he's at full health. When you see it running away from enemies or trying to hide or crouch behind a corner or something, that's prime time to lay into them. If you see an engineer humping his leg, shoot him too...maybe first depending on the situation.

    I was playing earlier and a MAX was guarding a capture point. I dropped a brick of C4 outside the exit and waited. The base flips, he walks out, right into the C4 then I lay into him with a few bullets and bam...dead MAX.
  10. Vidraken

    Nice kill. Thanks for the advice, waiting for the right time to strike is a good idea that I didn't even think of in the middle of a fight, normally I attack maxes at full health instead of thinking, finding cover and waiting until they are lower health before taking them out.

    Once I unlock C4 I'll try to lure them out of the door way, but what class should I put it on. Light assault seems logical for me since they can navigate terrain better, put a c4 on the exit wall, and fly up ontop of the building while the max comes out to find you, giving you a better advantage on defeating it, and giving your more shots in before he actually finds you.
  11. cruczi

    You'll get better results with the Heavy Assault's concussion nades and protective shield. As LA, you only have to make one mistake or get caught in a bad position once and you're dead.

    Note that C4 will have to unlock for each class separately.
  12. Renuse

    Conc grenades and DPS it down. Be aware of its weapon systems (Skat vs Mutil, ect) and use all your weapons. Headshots work great if they sit still and you have a good amount of NMG/Resist shields available. Rocket shots to the head are awesome and if your running a high RPM weapon or large compacity mag and you can get the headshots going their flinch will help a lot. Surprisingly a HA with an high RPM smg and good accuracy can demolish most maxes throught touch and go tactics, throw in some c4 and concs and theres no competition.
  13. Linheru

    Wraith flash with Racer chassis, ram that bastard. Won't know what hit him :p
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  14. Igmaruckfed

    2 Decis will take a MAX even with FLAK
  15. Lection

    well if you're in close and it finds you, like say 5m or less you might as well try to do a suicide sprint at it to keep getting behind it, because unless you have C4... you're dead.

    at ranges beyond... stay at that range, keep moving, and pick at it from cover, or your best bet... let the guy who has the Max clearly out gunned or surprised do his thing and RUN!
  16. SevenTwo

    In a 1 vs 1 scenario, my general first rule is to keep my distance and stay in cover until *I* am ready to engage.

    Regardless of your and his kit, this is the most important part as MAX weapons are deadly up close and if they hit you, regardless of weapon type, you'll have a bad day (Though the VS Vortex is kind of crap against infantry, but no-one really runs those regularly).

    If you are looking to cert C4 as a means to dispose of MAXes, I'd recommend getting it on your favourite class - you can always use a stick of C4 for something regardless of the class, so you might as well put it on one you enjoy playing and often run into MAXes with.

    Other than that, rifle fire is actually surprisingly effective against most MAX users, as they typically run Flak armour to protect against rockets and other splash damage. This means their resistance against small arms is only 80%, which allows especially LMGs to do a lot of damage on them at range, as they are big targets and relatively easy to hit on full auto fire.

    Apart from that, I don't have a lot of tips to add.

    Against MAX crashes I think Engy Sticky grenades and AI mines are pretty good tools, as they can do massive damage to the support personnel behind the MAX units (stick a grenade to the front MAX and the splash should damage anyone in the radius behind him) and the AI mines are delayed detonation (blows up after the MAX has passed, typically nailing the Engineer behind him).

    AV grenades on the HA are also pretty brutal provided they end up among the squishies and, if there are more people in the area, you can also bog down an entire crash by just tossing HA Concussion grenades into the crown, while your allies nail them with their own AV options.

    And if all these methods fail, just bring a friend or two or just generally hover around clumps of allies - MAX units should typically only be an issue in 1 v 1 or if deployed in ridiculous numbers.
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  17. Firenaz

    First and foremost recognize that the Max suit is a 450 nanite investment. If you're going to take it on without some nanite consumables of your own, then you better bring your A game to the table.

    Secondly, try to identify it's build by listening to it's firing cycle.

    Then you need to check if the MAX has any sort of support.

    If you can't surprise the MAX by flanking or creative avenues of approach, favor long range engagements where it's lack of weapon Zoom will be to it's detriment. AA and AV maxes are however probably easier to engage up close.

    If you have to fight an AI max when it is aware, you will need help, or multiple concussion grenades + a dumbfire.

    If the MAX has any support, you will require help or a very solid ambush to deal with it.
  18. Runegrace

    MAX is usually going to win in 1v1 combat. It's a large unit that requires a ton of resources to pull, so it has some staying power.

    -Whittle down from long range. MAXes lose power quickly over range and move slower with finite health, while your shields recharge. Consider running the Enhanced Targeting implant if you want to know just how much HP that MAX has.
    -If the MAX has support nearby, kill those first. Killing the medics and engineers nearby means that after respawning you or allies can finish the job.
    -If a MAX has gotten the jump on you, run through it. You run the risk of being hit with a melee but I usually find that it gives me more time to escape or put a few bullets in before dying.
    -Keep adding damage to it. If enough allies do the same, it will go down. This is also true for dropping vehicles. In the case of a MAX, headshots count and drastically increase your damage against them.
    -Grenades, C4, your own MAX, rocket launchers, vehicles, roadkills, anything you can throw at it. MAXes will always win a direct close-range gunfight. Sometimes it's simply better to not even shoot it if it doesn't notice you. Get into a better position with the tools for the job before making a noble sacrifice.
  19. Raiche

    Depends what kind of max your facing and your class /loadout. Just dont go head to head at close range, go around and get above/behind them.

    Encamped maxes: Heavy Assault, bandolier with AV grenades, bounce them off walls etc to get them into the maxes without putting yourself in line of fire.

    If you run into one as a heavy assault, throw a concussion on it then hit it with a rocket/ throw a C4 and finish with your main gun before it can move again.

    Engineer with sticky grenades work nice as well, stick it to them and run away then finish from distance with your gun.
    Or set traps, double claymores or place a vehicle mine around a corner and when he follows you shoot the mine and blow him up.

    Same goes for medic, throw C4 or set traps.

    Basic rules i would suggest:
    Against TR Max distance is your friend, keep distance and you can wear them down with a main weapon.
    NC max without slugs or raven, keep distance and if its a raven, keep strafing so your harder to hit.
    VS max got best range ability but they are also weaker by distance. Dont stand still.

    Always aim for the head.
  20. reydelchicken

    Use HA, rocket and then hide and wait for your second rocket to be ready.

    Alternatively rocket + LMG and shield if you've got nowhere to run off to for the reload.

    Use a conc (or AV nade with bandolieer) if you've got to go up against more than 1 max at once.