[Suggestion] advanced class/loadout configurations

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by menaximus, Dec 9, 2019.

  1. menaximus

    This is more of a Planetside 3 suggestion

    What if we had more customisation options. Like for example, were capable of adding HA rocket launcher for LA at expense of primary weapon and shields?
    Or maybe some sort of a tonage mechanic to configurate class from down to top.
  2. Scroffel5

    Maybe that could go with ASP perks. Doable.
  3. TR5L4Y3R

    i know you said it´s an example ... but no rocketlaunchers for light assaults, too mobile a class for that ..

    what PS3 (if it ever is gonna be a thing) should do is to sorta combine the way of charactercustomisation between PS1 and 2 .. like .. lets not have exactly classes but have suits determine what you can carry on it and what gear you can attach to it ..

    i personaly loved the way blackout retribution did character customisation as well as weaponcustomisation and i think PS3 could benefit from that even if it is a battlefield domination/conquest-style game .. ..
    granted it was a bit complex but it allowed you to the detail of what you want to run .. how strong your armor is or how mobile you are .. carrying heavy weapons also significantly weighted you down as well as suits that allowed for a lot of gear ... there was a bit of ballancing in all of it ... ...
  4. Scroffel5

    1. Could you elaborate on how blackout retribution did character customization and weapon customization?

    2. A LA with a Rocket Launcher AT THE EXPENSE OF A PRIMARY WEAPON AND SHIELDS means that you will automatically die to any other class in 1 v 1 situation. You get slightly better AV at the cost of dying in 3-ish shots.
    • Up x 1
  5. YellowJacketXV

    Could you imagine how obnoxious it would be to try and deal with light assaults with battle rifles and long range, lock on, rocket launchers?

    That sounds so glorious.
  6. TR5L4Y3R

    battlerifles would be bit less of an issue .. .. i mean LAs already have access to the blackhand which counts as a pocketbattlerifle and the huntercrossbow those 2 imo are fine ... now rocket launchers .... ... .... like imagine a hornet having a explosive sting that he can launch out of his butt from range ... yea no screw that ... the rocketrifle is what the LA should be using, that and C4 ..
  7. TR5L4Y3R

    primary weapons could be costumised on EVERY part of it, it´s basicaly a "built the gun of your dreams"-kit
    the reciever dictates what the gun is at its basis (lmg, assaultrifle, smg or boltaction f.e.) but everything else around it you can change to your leasure like what barrel and muzzle, what grip or stock or what ammunition; and every change to the gun changes the weapons performance and how it affects your mobility ...
    same with armor, you could put on heavy armor or light armor with or without additional slots for grenades or cosnsumeable
    or a better powerpack for the use of abilities such as cloaking or the game´s hyperrealityvisor, which basicaly was a wallhack available to everyone

    unfortunately the game has been shut down for a while ...