ADS and laser sight

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KukKung, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. KukKung

    Does anyone know if laser sight helps with hipfire to ADS?

    just picked up the night vision and i noticed that its slow to ADS not sure if this was a change but i dont remember it being that slow. wondering if laser sight helps with that? if not them im going to invest in the forward grip.
  2. Loegi

    The laser only makes the hipfire CoF smaller. It doesn't change anything else like the time it takes to ADS.

    So no.
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  3. ScrapyardBob

    The slowness of NV (the new static-effect during the first partial second) was added a few game updates ago as a nerf to try and make it less of the "must have" scope.

    It's only real effect on me is that I'm less likely to use it outdoors during the daytime, but still go and swap at an equipment terminal when nightfall comes.
  4. Kyouki

    Night vision scope has been nerfed. I forgot people use it, never liked it.
  5. Stride

    The laser sights make your hipfire more accurate but have no effect on aiming down sights. For better ads you should be using forward grips.
  6. Aegie

    When all they had to do was give the other scopes accurate crosshairs when you ADS... instead of fixing all the broken scopes (the non-overlay with misleading crosshairs) they went and broke the only non-sniper rifle scope.

    SOE = genius.
  7. KukKung

    What about the compensator for the muzzle it says cause of the weight it reduces hip fire speed, this noticeable? Worth having better vertical recoil vs quicker hipfire?
  8. Crayv

    What I'm curious about is SMGs. They barely receive any accuracy boost from going ADS. They however receive a rather large boost from the adv. laser sight. So what I'm wondering is, when you have an adv. laser sight is your accuracy actually worse while ADSing compared to just hip firing?
  9. Nakar

    No. Base COF for hipfire for all SMGs is 1, base ADS COF is 0.3. So ADS remains more accurate, but SMGs are less accurate than other guns while in ADS and standing still (however, they lose no ADS accuracy while moving). All SMGs also have the same COF bloom, regardless of whether you ADS or not.

    So ADS is slightly more accurate to start with, but it won't stay vastly more accurate over a large burst like a regular weapon will. It will remain proportionately more accurate, by about 0.7... but that's without an Advanced Laser. I'm not sure how much of an advantage ADS has then, but it isn't much.
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  10. Hoki

    I wouldn't mind if there were an ADS bonus for using ironsights, even though its completely unrealistic. (and opposite to reality)
  11. Apples

    Actually laser sights reduce your ADS accuracy as much as that makes no sense.
  12. Lord_Avatar

    Say what?
  13. Goretzu

    Increased CoF?