Additional Info/Tips for Beginning Infantry

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by anaverageguy, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. anaverageguy

    First, gotta say thanks to all the guys that brought this game around..

    But I don't think the five tips are going to be followed by beginners if they don't see the logic behind it (as in, after they die a couple times). This is for those who are interested in not getting creamed first.

    1: Looking both ways before crossing the road
    Always a good idea.. it should be noted however that if your sound's on, you can hear any vehicle coming and that you can see vehicles on your map. If it gets annoying to look left and right before crossing all the time, just look on the map. Do take caution though as tank columns (or tank spam.. often differentiable through lack of organized movement) are common and many drivers will run you over without a second thought after the tenth guy walks in front of their tank.

    2: Grenades
    I think everyone knows this... but an additional note would be that just lobbing it randomly may end up getting you a multi kill on FRIENDLIES. Allies can potentially be anywhere around you in this game, and a single careless grenade can ruin a lot. Please take care.

    3: Sunderer and Galaxies
    It's definitely a good idea to get in these if you'd rather not hump it to the next fight (which is sometimes the better option, I might add. Depends.). HOWEVER, please understand that there is a point when you need to get out. Galaxy pilots are especially prone to locking everyone out of the plane [because they're tired of people not dropping when they should], dropping you guys without warning from on-high, potentially into crossfire, the middle of nowhere, or even right onto enemy tanks. Take caution when getting in a stranger's vehicle.

    4: Medics
    If there's a helpful medic trying to heal you, yeah. Standing still. On the other hand, if you're a medic chasing a guy that is obviously not interested in being healed, don't put yourself at unnecessary risk by chasing him into a firefight.
    Beginners should also note that there is the option to cert into health restoration items, though you'll be taking those in trade for something else, like C4. You may want to consider them if you're going somewhere without a medic (or somewhere where the medic's more interested in shooting his own gun, as is often seen).

    5: Infiltrator cloak
    Yes, there's a sound. If there's a firefight going on, you may miss it, but it's very distinct. If you suspect that there is a sniper around, however. DO NOT STAND STILL LISTENING. If they carry a bolt-action, they can headshot you for a one-hit-kill the moment they remove their cloak, only to cloak again. I have personally eliminated a small group before in this fashion, medic included.. from right next to them.

    This last one is of my own making.. You can hit "v" (default) for chat macros. If you do something stupid and kill an ally by accident, I highly recommend saying sorry before that guy comes back to kill you or blow up your vehicle in return.
  2. Sen7rygun

    Good advice.
  3. Aegie

    Want certs?

    Play medic or engineer and focus early certs on the tool (repair, heal tool). You do not need decent frame rates or decent first person shoot skill to make bank with either of these classes. Flak if engineer (since you should be nearby vehicles/MAXs and therefore explosives) nanoweave if medic (since you should be nearby infantry firefights).