[Suggestion] Add Mod support to Planetside 2?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Airazor, Sep 17, 2017.

  1. Airazor

    Planetside 2 could really open up to the public if Daybreak accepted mod submissions and added it to specific servers that players can join. Some servers with specific mods will naturally float to the top. Players can enter these servers and the mod pack may install on their PC's (if accepted).

    Games that had a much longer life because of the mod community: GTA (any), Unreal Tournament (any), Half-Life Franchise, Battlefield, Just Cause 2, Skyrim/Fallout, Real time-strat games, Minecraft, Arma etc

    Streamers would stream, modders would mod, more attention would come crawling in and potentially more money could be made. Everybody wins!...as long as there is no paywall for the mods.

    I know it would complicate things...and it won't be done because of reasons*. However I do think that could really help this game get some more staying power. We can all enjoy the game mechanics that is layed down already however perhaps changing some game models to something new could go a long way! Also it could be a great way to keep this game more fresh.

    Reasons*= Lack of funding, lack of will/motivation, too hard to do for their current staff, already working on other stuff, lack of trying to really get this game noticed (which it deserves to be).
  2. Dazerio

    Generally games that rely on large player base may suffer from segregation of playerbase on modded servers, but you're probably right about more attention coming to planetside, and bringing in fresh ideas and changes that can be physically shown through modding and even taken in as new content for the main game if the devs like it. Il say yes to allowing mods and (deliberately)limited private servers for it.
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  3. Airazor

    OP here

    I agree. I was just playing the game after taking a break for a few months and remembered how awesome this game still is and how to me, it blows away the competition. I have been spoiled by Planetside 2 so when I play CoD or Battlefont/field I always think of how Planetside 2's massive team efforts and squad communication (with friends) kicks a$$. I want to see this game flourish with more updates and create a solid following and culture.