[Suggestion] Add Decontruction to the Building Tutorial mission

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by oOHansOo, May 23, 2023.

  1. oOHansOo

    That's all. At the end of the mission, to complete, show players how to unlock the field tool and have them deconstruct their tutorial base.
    Right now i think the majority of players don't even know the field tool exists or can be use to get rid of your buildings.
    So adding the tool to the tutorial mission would teach about the field tool and prevent all the abandoned tutorial bases littering the map.
    • Up x 5
  2. Shatteredstar

    YES. This is so needed. The number of random tutorial bases just scattered around with too low cortium do DO anything with and you can't remove it is too high. Either that or we need a decay mechanic reimplemented over time.