[Suggestion] add an adv forward grip on the tmg-50

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by tf2hero, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. tf2hero

    well i want to say something smart with stats and all but the title pretty much says it all. I just think its odd that the long range LMG for the TR just has a regular forward grip
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  2. Arsonix

    I'll say the smart stuff for you if you don't mind since I've already brought it up once before.

    The only guns in tier with the TMG-50 are the Gauss Saw S and the Flare.

    The Flare and Gauss Saw S have:
    167 damage before 10m - 143 damage after 75m
    577 Rpm
    250 certs/500 SC pricetag
    Identical accuracy and recoil
    75 rounds base magazine/300 pool
    Access to all scopes

    Gauss Saw S pros in relation to the Flare:
    Advanced forward grip
    Higher velocity
    Faster long reload
    Better first shot recoil multiplier - 1.65x, Flare has a 2x(1.85?) multiplier

    Flare pros in relation to the Gauss Saw S:
    3x shot burst mode
    No bullet drop
    Extended magazine
    Choice of having a flash suppressor (I'll give you a hint though. Flash suppressors on VS weapons are a downgrade since they light up the gun's barrel more with neon lighting. All at the price of more recoil which is not a good idea since the Flare already has the worst first shot recoil of the three.)

    As a weapon of the same tier the TMG-50 falls behind in a lot of areas.

    TMG-50 has in common to each faction's counterpart:
    167 damage before 10m - 143 damage after 75m
    577 RPM
    Identical accuracy and recoil
    75 rounds base magazine/300 pool
    Access to all scopes

    TMG-50 pros in relation to both:
    2x round burst(is this even an advantage?)
    best first shot recoil multiplier - 1.5x

    TMG-50 cons in relation to both:
    No SPA
    500 certs/700 SC pricetag
    No Advanced Forward Grip or Extended Mags
    Occupies the middle ground between Flare and Gauss Saw S muzzle velocities but doesn't have the Flare's no bullet drop.

    So I think you would need a bit more than just the Adv. forward grip to make it on par with the other two. Definitely with that price tag. Flare and Gauss Saw S aren't perfectly balanced in my mind but they're reasonably balanced. TMG appears to have just been neglected in a lot of areas. IMO SPA needs to be given to all guns of that teir regardless.
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  3. Fellgnome

    600 RoF is all I want for the TMG-50. They can bring its recoil decrease down if they want, I don't care.
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  4. AdmiralArcher

    yeah......it needs the Adv forward grip
  5. cruczi

    Correct, except that GSS has lower base horizontal recoil. 0.175 vs Flare's 0.200.

    Gauss Saw S does not have access to AFG. You may be getting that information from the wiki which is incorrect. In-game, there is no advanced grip available.

    (1) GSS can also fit a flash suppressor.
    (2) Flash suppressors don't increase recoil, they increase COF bloom per shot by 20%.

    Horizontal recoil is identical with GSS (0.175), lower than Flare (0.200).

    Indeed it lacks Ext. mags, but so does GSS, so that's not a con in relation to both. None of the weapons have access to AFG, so that's not a con either.

    What more do you think the TMG-50 needs, now that it's established all three lack the advanced forward grip?

    In my opinion, TMG-50 is fine where it is, it's not supposed to be perfectly on par with the other factions' 167 damage weapons because it is an outlier with respect to TR's high ROF faction trait. In fact, I'm not convinced it is worse than the other two. Given the tied recoil with GSS and the lowest FSM, it fills the long range role the best. Flare on the other hand is intended for short to mid range, the high FSM penalizes long range performance somewhat, and the ext. mags allow it to mow down larger groups and suppress for longer than the other two. GSS is middle ground in terms of range.
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  6. cruczi

    With normal grip equipped, it already has the lowest horizontal recoil of any TR LMG. It doesn't need an advanced grip to justify being dubbed the long range LMG for the TR.
  7. DrPapaPenguin

    Adv. foregrip? Never noticed any significant sideways recoil, worked like a charm with just the regular grip.
  8. DatVanuMan

    Each LMG has the exact same stats, so I believe the Flare and SAW S should both receive an AFG. It makes ABSOLUTELY no sense as to why only you TR should get it.
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  9. FieldMarshall

    When i first looked at the TMG when i started playing i was surprised by the lack of AFG, seeing as its the long range LMG.
    Though after using it i noticed that it has too much of a kick for long range ADS anyway, so i just went with the Rhino.
  10. Arsonix

    You're right, CoF blooms are what is identical. I must have missed that.

    Yeah it appears some idiot got the GS and GSS confused on the wiki. Anyways I meant larger CoF bloom. CoF bloom is just another way of simulating recoil anyways.

    I just dusted my old NC alt and checked. GSS actually does get extended mags like the Flare. So ironically TR actually have the lowest theoretical mag capacity.

    Extended Mags and a lower pricetag on top of what I have already mentioned. It seems this gun got priced at 500 to give the TR a 500cert gun to go with the ones the other factions have in the store without really deserving it. I can understand the lower muzzle velocity and slower long reloads than the GSS if it is the tradeoff for the better SFM, no reason to change it. That way it is still unique without being possibly the worst TR LMG. There is still no excuse for hitting TR players in the cert bank so hard and then withholding the competitive attachments for a gun that is already relatively unique and balanced.