[Suggestion] Achievements from MMO's

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gavyne, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. Gavyne

    Since this game is a MMOFPS, I figured to suggest an idea to add a bit of the MMO into this FPS game. Many games these days have achievements you can unlock after doing certain things. Things ranging from visiting certain places, to taking certain bases, to killing 20 of a specific class/race, etc.. These personal achievements can be tied directly to cert gains, and I think this will help the more casual crowd to sort of keep up with the general population.

    No this isn't about going around to NPC's with ! above their heads and getting quests, but this is more about a preset number of achievements that you can look at to see what you can accomplish, and what the rewards are once you've accomplished them. You are essentially playing the same game, doing the same things, but the game rewards you for doing just a bit extra for completing achievements. This is often a good way to get people to visit remote places that they often don't see. It's also a good way to get people to login daily if you have a daily achievement that gives a certain cert rewards that are worthy of doing. Also it helps the more casual folks that don't get to play long hours something to look forward to, something that helps them out.

    I think this is a good way to add a bit of the MMO into this FPS game without turning this game too much into a MMO.
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  2. SenEvason

    I'm just worried that people will start getting more interested in achievements than in playing the game. We already have this problem with the EXP system, and adding another system on top of it wouldn't help matters. Maybe when people start getting more interested in helping their faction instead of just themselves.
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  3. Achmed20

    well i dont think that achievments are MMO related at all.
    but still, i'd like that idea and wondered whyy ps2 didnt have them in the first place.
    maybe some people would then actualy cap and do somethign usefull and not just farm kills.
  4. bPostal

    You know about the weapon medals right? IIRC those give you cert points for each you attain.
  5. Gavyne

    Yes and it's a good thing, but there can be more than just rewarding for kill count. It'll help with breaking up the monotony of always fighting for the crown for an example. Not to mention it'll help the casual gamers a bit. I'm not a casual gamer, I play too much, but I understand that these games don't do well without casual gamers to fill the spots.
  6. bPostal

    Then what we need is the Merit system back.
  7. Achmed20

    arent thos just "make x kills with this gun?"
  8. bPostal

    • Kills using certain weapons or vehicles
    • Destroying a specific kind of unit
    • Kills under certain circumstances
    • Supporting/Assisting other players
    • Visiting certain locations
    • Attending events
    • Jacking vehicles
    And more...PLUS! If you got all the ADV Medic certs you could make a Red Cross on your arm with them.
  9. Achmed20

    dude, did i just miss these?
    i've only seen the medals on my guns :oops: