Account Reset?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hot Pockets, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. Hot Pockets

    Hi guys-
    I have a troubling question.
    After downloading the patch and reading the update info on the forums, I was looking forward to starting up the game. However, when I logged in to my account, all of my information had been reset. It took me straight to the character creation scene, which I haven't seen in months!!
    By now, I've been playing for almost half a year, have accumulated probably 200 hours of gameplay, and have spent over $30 in station cash on my BR 52 character.
    WHAT THE FUU- *list of expletives*- CK!?
    I'm assuming this bug will be resolved but I'm curious whether you are experiencing this problem and if there are any solutions that currently exist.

    Thanks for the feedback.
  2. Tragachinos

    Wait for maintainance to be over. The servers are still locked.
  3. Darkelfdruid_LOL

    hah this made me chuckle! relax! You get sent to the character creation screen when your server for instance is offline - or any server that has your characters is offline. Once servers back up, you will have your normal 'load'

  4. bladedcross

    Don't worry, I thought the same thing.

    The servers were down for patching when I left for work this morning, so naturally when I got home the first thing I did was patch up and start up the game, fully expecting it to be up and running. Low and behold, I come to the character creation screen and just think "wtf have they done now?"

    But yes, if you can't tell by the endless threads about this, and the red letters on top of the forum, the servers are currently down. Once their back up your characters should be good to go.
  5. Meeka

    No worries, man, it'll all come back.

    I have 1500+ hours, and have put hundreds of dollars into my TR, NC, and VS characters... and no worries here. :D
  6. Hot Pockets

    Dayum, man.

    Thanks all for your input!
    I sorta assumed this was the case but felt like raging :D