According to NC, TR has more hackers than VS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by placeholder22, Jul 21, 2015.

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  1. placeholder22

    So I noticed TR on Miller has way more hackers than NC. But I feared Vanu might have even more. So I asked a couple NC about what side has more hackers, VS or TR. They all said TR has way more.

    Why does TR attract more hackers than the other factions?

  2. Duckman39

    Because they are evil
  3. Jac70

    Can't remember seeing an obvious cheater on Miller in the years I have played the game. Not to say that there are no cheats but no one that I could definitely know was cheating,
  4. Ianneman

    If you're playing VS, you don't really need cheats.
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  5. RadarX

    This is probably going to lead to a lot of speculation and drama so let's go ahead and consult the crystal ball.

    It predicts a thread closure.
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