AA maxes, the final numbers to clear up misconceptions caused by the new abilities.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Leo Di Caprio, May 26, 2013.

  1. Leo Di Caprio

    Just a post to clear things up about the AA maxes.

    The damage values of an AA max bullet is 52 for it takes 34 bullets to kill you (dual maxes are 17 bullets each gun), we can easily say 52x34=1768, the ESF armor is 1750.

    Normal AA maxes take about 5 seconds to kill you, maybe 4.5, we are going to call it ~5 for the sake of simplicity and not exactitude, it's also a lot easier on the math.

    IF a normal max takes 34 bullets to kill you in ~5 seconds at 52 damage per bullet:

    The ZOE max takes 34 bullets to kill you in ~4 seconds at 62 damage per bullet. ( this is beta damage for those who remember unplayable conditions ) This is a 20% damage buff.

    The Lockdown max takes 34 bullets to kill you in ~3 seconds at 73 damage per bullet. (beyond anything seen before) This is a 40% damage buff.

    The ZOE may seem more overpowered because it's a permanent buff with mobility.

    The TR max gets a bullet velocity buff which makes it easier to aim, adding insult to injury.

    The sheer insanity in what you guys intended to pull here enables me to ask you the following:

    What kind of people actually manage balance in this game?

    Sorry for going all geeky on you SOE but this is simply absurd. Buffs like that do not belong in a competitive game, MLG? do you think the MLG would allow such moronic balancing? WoW being a game 100 times more balanced than this one was pulled out of it (yes a lot more balanced if you were to look at percentage buffs and overall handling of statistics).

    AA maxes are defensive assets, lockdown planting time is utterly irrelevant to what the feature may be handicapped by use, those conditions only apply to offense.

    Anyways, I hope, like a small child you eventually realize what the hell you are doing.

    Guidance videos, I do not pull stuff out of my ***:

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  2. Teegeeack

    Yeah but do we have a cool shield like you guys?
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  3. Leo Di Caprio

    Maybe if it were to be hot pink...
  4. Leo Di Caprio

    A bump for justice.
  5. Teegeeack

    For what it's worth, I agree with you. The ZOE is just hilarious to use, it really is. Join us in the light of Vanu's grace - you won't regret it.
  6. Sapare

    I don't actully play max so idc eiher way much. But I think the fact that you are rooted to the ground and able to look in only one direction kinda explains why the TR max should kill 1 second faster? 3 seconds are still a really long time to be killed by an immobile 2 meter tall metal hunk.
  7. Leo Di Caprio

    I wanted to make this clear because people are demonizing the ZOE when in reality is just as bad as beta AA damage, many pro pilots were able to handle those damages but the TR AA max is just, dare I say God mode?

    To what purpose does it serve them to sway populations from one side to the other? they will come back once it is back to balanced.

    If you are going to pull some stupid thing like this, make at the very least sure that it is not as visible.
  8. Leo Di Caprio

    That is actually 2 seconds on top of the normal, AA maxes as mentioned are defensive assets, no one has ever "max AA rushed" from beta to today, the entire excuse is just an insult to any average person's intelligence.
  9. Sapare

    I thought this was some weird argument for people balming the VS max while the TR max is OP, my bad.
    If this is a general AA max threat I'll just stay out of it. I was just hereto explain why TR max SHOULD do more damage then a VS one, ;p.
  10. Leo Di Caprio

    In reality none of those maxes should have ever been touched by any buff, the ZOE max made beta damage, the pinnacle of complete denial, the TR one is just beyond that.

    As mentioned, they have no freaken idea of what does what in this game, beta damages are taboo and "lockdown" timers hold as much relevance to this game in defense (where intended) as these guys hold a candle to MLG games.
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  11. Torok

    meanwhile just run with Flak Armor 4

    p.s. nerf zoe
  12. Ganelon

    The TR has a limited Arc (110 degrees, afaik) and is stationary. It has been said before, I'll say it again; stop trying to solo ground troops, have your ground troops move in first and clean up the AA.
  13. TintaBux

    These sort of changes eventually end up ruining games, PS2 is going downhill massively, we will be down to 2 servers come end of year or next year.
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  14. Leo Di Caprio

    Stop soloing ground troops? you mean join the rest of the zerg fight to die even faster? or stare at the entire thing from the back? and it's 180 degrees, how long do you think it will take an ESF to pass you at your current damage? how long do you think it takes an ESF to pull a reverse maneuver to start attacking you once he passes you?

    I do not think you understand this game very well.
  15. Ganelon

    No, I didn't say that at all.

  16. Leo Di Caprio

    I must be imagining things.

  17. Ganelon

    I told you to stop soloing ground troops, yes. That does not equate to the situations you mentioned.

    The argument for nerfing AA was because it was (supposedly) ruining dogfights. Well, I'd love to see ESF's dogfight, but they're determined to rocketpod infantry.
  18. Leo Di Caprio

    And I replied:

    Stop soloing ground troops? you mean join the rest of the zerg fight to die even faster? or stare at the entire thing from the back? and it's 180 degrees, how long do you think it will take an ESF to pass you at your current damage? how long do you think it takes an ESF to pull a reverse maneuver to start attacking you once he passes you?

    Answer me that.

    Whatever traumas pods may have caused to your presence in this game are easily solved by grabbing another ESF to settle scores, unless you of course do not know how to fly with an overpowered aircraft.
  19. RHINO_Mk.II

    Right, I forgot TR think they are the only ones who should be allowed to have air support.
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  20. Teegeeack

    What's the point of having air superiority if you can't use it? The skies are cleared of enemy aircraft, so pilots must just sit there with their thumbs up their arses?