[BUG] AA MAX Flak Bug (With Video)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Banick, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. Banick

    This issue occurs randomly and seems to affect all AA MAX within a hex. For the period of time, air are invulnerable to flak. Then, just as randomly as flak became ineffective, it begins to function again.

    This video was towards the end of a roughly 2-3 minute invulnerable air bombardment. A fellow MAX can be seen next to me, both of us were affected and I presume it is a rego issue, server fart, or something. I'll leave it to the devs to resolve!

    The main part of the video I want to highlight is when the Scythe buzzes the landing pad and takes no damage from either of us, followed by the long distance hitting of a second Scythe with a 'q' spot to show zero damage inflicted.

  2. Accuser

  3. Deschain

    Noticed this alot today i thought it was my connection lagging out.
  4. Cheap_Shot

    ..... Go to a terminal and re-equip and it fixes the "hack" or bug whatever you want to call it.... IT happens when you are a burster for a long time, or if you fire on infantry to much (i'm guessing that is what i have narrowed it down to from personal experience with the bug)
  5. phungus420

    VS have this bug happen all the time for their infantry gun. It's why you'll sometimes see a VS MAX unload at you in close range and you take no damage.
  6. Banick

    LOL! Highly doubt 10 or so Scythe pilots were hacking at the same time, in the same place!

    Great work around! Want to make sure that won't be necessary in the future by devs resolving it :)
  7. Accuser

    It only took one guy with C4 to crash a hex, remember?
    I can't imagine it taking a lot to temporarily screw with flak ;)
  8. ent|ty

    It could be possible that you are causing damage, it's just that the game is not updating your client visually? Losing packets?
    The enemy fighters certainly acted like they were taking damage (suddenly reversing direction, fleeing, getting out of LOS).
  9. Banick

    Perhaps? As you can see the flak does explode but there is no hit indication or change in health.

    But if it was isolated to my client, why does it also affect the fellow MAX? I think it's a server side issue.
  10. QuakerOatsMan

    When I encountered this bug, it seemed like I was only seeing the damage indicators (those ( x ) marks on the crosshair) every ~10-20 "hits," which I speculate are when my flak bullets directly hit the air vehicles (rare, considering the accuracy on bursters). No damage with the explosions of course.