AA Max /delete

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Limabean, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. Limabean

    Recently got the second AA max gun. What other gun in the game cannot kill its intended target? I even have two of them. I spent a few hours in one last night and got one kill. A full clip, reload, fire some more and still the aircraft remains. It's just disgusting. The flak flies too slow as well.
  2. Tenebrae Aeterna

    Within a youtube video, this was actually addressed.

    They want the Max AA system as a support role for allied aerial fliers. Your role, as an AA Max, is to support your allied fliers in their dogfights...but it's they who are meant to excel against enemy air.
  3. ThreePi

    Here's the thing, as an AA MAX you are in an inherently defensive role, you will always see them first, you'll always have first strike, and you'll always have the ability to not get engaged. The battle is always on your terms (unless you're an idiot or AFK). Given all that, you can effectively take close to half their life before they can even respond

    So what do you want as an AA MAX then? To be able to kill them before they can even respond? No one would play ESF if that was the case.
  4. Hoki

    I think they need to quadruple the XP you earn in a max for anti-air kills and assists, seeing as you can't defend yourself from ground things and the kills per hour compared to anything else is pathetic.
  5. ThreePi

    Yeah, like I said in another thread, jack up the rewards for air kills then you encourage more people to play AA and you encourage ESF to focus more on other air rather than spamming rockets.
  6. Imnuktam

    The answer to that question is.

    What is Ground to Air missles alex.

    Seriously, they are garbage even in comparison to bursters. I am a horrible pilot and I lose those 100% of the time by simply turning (doesnt usually even matter where the missle is, just need to turn) then mashing on afterburners.

    Apparently sony agrees with pilots and believes that ESF's should be able to kill everything that moves and only really have to fear other pilots.:confused:

    Its like an awesome game of rock, scissor , rock.

    Sadly all these threads just get the attention of people who like playing rock all day, and will tell you while trying not to laugh how only other fighters should be able to kill them and everything else should just scare them away, and that is proper balance lol.
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  7. DeltaGun

    They already tried stronger AA and it just didn't work. It was nearly impossible to have fun in an ESF.
  8. warmachine1

    low profitability + high price + low effectivity + no fun = noone buys AA --> massive inballance
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  9. PieBringer

    First off: Getting into an ESF does NOT make you instantly invincible. If you don't know how to fly it, you WILL get shot down. (you should've seen the victims of my dumbfire AV launcher earlier today. Inexperienced pilots are perfect practice.)

    And second: It's the same case with being AA. If you aren't looking or already firing in the general (enough) direction an enemy aircraft is coming from when they get into line of sight, they might be getting the drop on you. This goes double for HAssaults. If you're being too wary of enemy infantry when there are none, you might just be unprepared when the aircraft pops out from behind cover and starts shooting at you.

    What too few people understand is that just because someone else is dominating with one weapon, it doesn't mean you can pick up the same weapon for the first time and have the same effect. As I said before, it's the same thing with vehicles. If you don't know how to handle your vehicle, you'll either find yourself on terrain that doesn't favor you, or being flanked by 2 or more HAssaults. (two dumbfire rockets to the rear armor, in my experience, kills a MBT outright.)

    Or you'll somehow have a natural talent for it, starting out with instinct that serves you better than years of experience does for a properly trained soldier.
  10. Ashur

    Pretty much sums it up. It's an incredibly boring role you have to spend a lot of time to buy and then the payoff is getting less experience than if you bought pretty much anything else.
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  11. ThreePi

    An ESF should never get the drop on an AA (except maybe a turret). As an AA your only purpose is to be looking up at the sky for targets. An ESF has to be scanning the air for other ESF, the ground for targets, and the terrain so they don't crash. And, given the rendering rules, the AA unit should see the ESF before the reverse is even possible. If an ESF gets the drop on an AA unit its because they were afk, plain and simple.
  12. Dakkaface

    These guys get it. AA might play a crucial deterrent role in capping bases and base defense, but the cost is astronomically high and the rewards practically nonexistent. Choosing to play AA means you have hamstrung your XP gain. There's no incentive to cert AA weapons when they give you near zero reward.
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  13. Hetzau

    I would lower the damage of all ESFs weapons against infantry to the point where you need 2 full clips to kill a single soldier (as far as the rocket pods go, reduce the splash radius to 1 foot and let it do half damage it does now). All the complaining would stop.
    After all, air is supposed to counter air, right? (apart from Libs, which I have no beef against)
  14. Nakor

  15. Luft

    Wait til the ESF gets closer before you start firing, duh.
  16. Playful Pony

    What other gun can't kill it's intended target? The MAX AT weapon. Hilarious, isn't it? X3 Adding to the fun is the fact that the AT weapon is held up by "MAXes are balanced!" crusaders as a better alternative to the AI weapon, and everyone should learn to use it against infantry... Really, guys?...

    The problem here is, that they want ground-based AA to be a "deterent" and not a killer. This means you spend all your time shooting at things you cannot ultimately bring down unless your lucky/they are stupid, and that means no points for you mister! It's laughable that so many of the pilots posting on this forum can even suggest that this is a reasonable way to keep things. If I'm going to perform such a vital battlefield role, I'd expect there to be a reward in it for me, equal to the time and effort put into it. It is EXTREMELY rare that a fighter you fend off with AA MAX or the HAs AA missile that acutally dies, by your hand or others. They tend to get out of there alive, set down to repair and rearm, and be back hassling you and your team within minutes. You'll hear them complain that they "spend more time flying back for repairs than I do fighting", but at least there are points in it for you!

    If ground-based AA is to be a deterent and not a killer, there needs to be some sort of point reward system for keeping the skies clear as a result of having chased off enemy air units... There currently is NOT. I have an AA max and a Skyguard, but I don't actually bring them out a lot, there are so many more enjoyable ways of spending your time that actually earns you certs so you can unlock more fun stuff.

    That said, AA MAX is currently the most capable ground-based AA. You CAN actually take something down if there is 2-3 of you and the pilots your fighting are not the best.
  17. Limabean

    OK no solo kill, I can deal with that but 2 bursters doesnt even get them half way killed.
    Thats a lot of certs to just be able to "scare" someone away, my fault though, shouldn't have bought it.
    I just thought with 2 it would have done better.
  18. Duckforceone

    what we in aa want, is to earn xp at your speed without flying. currently to be aa is to give up earning xp
  19. Sifer2

    Might help if you clarify what your shooting at. An ESF can be killed in one clip if you don't miss half your shots. Liberators and Galaxies though take many clips. What's funny is to use Rocket Pods an ESF must come down low so Infantry render, and they can accurately hit stuff. Which if your Dual Burster MAX they are basically serving themself up on a platter for you. Just wait until they commit then surprise. Now if it's a Liberator hovering way up in the sky bombing you can't do anything. Nothing counters them right now but other air.
  20. Beltway

    I don't get what the issue is. I still only have one of these things and am able to get an esf to half before they fly away. I can only imagine the tears I would reap if I was running a dual set. In addition it's really not a solo kind of thing, to seriously be effective you need at least two other max units popping off shots at the exact same thing. While I will admit it takes way to long for me to get the proper arch, they do great damage when the target is with in the effective kill zone. I am starting to wonder if some of the people that complain about these weapons are hitting their targets from incredibly far away. One thing I do is wait till the target comes with in a certain range and let loose.

    The same thing goes with the falcon (anti tank weapon) I am able to bring a prowler down to half shooting the front portion of it's armor and forcing it to take cover (shooting from spawn rooms). Having two of those things would be amazing in my opinion.