A simple improvement to the light assault

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Burkderp, Aug 11, 2013.

  1. Burkderp

    I'm not sure if this has been suggested already but after playing a fair bit of LA and reading these class discussion forums an idea came to mind.

    What if the Light Assault had a press F ability that allowed them to sprint for a short distance.

    Proposed 'Sprint' Ability
    • Adrenaline Pump removed from suit slot.
    • A new cert tree added as a class ability
      • 3 levels - 100/400/1000 certs
      • level 1 - Press F to sprint forward for 8 seconds at +35% movement speed (recharges in 30 seconds?)
      • level 2 - Press F to sprint forward for 12 seconds at +40% movement speed (recharges in 25 seconds?)
      • level 3 - Press F to sprint forward for 14 seconds at +45% movement speed (recharges in 20 seconds?)
    • This sprint ability drastically reduces strafing travel distance and turning speed while activated
    • Essentially the MAX charge for LA's but not as fast?
    • This will allow LA's to charge into bases much faster than general infantry and will increase their effectiveness as a base breaching role
    • This ability may have to have additional downsides
    *Note: numbers are obviously subject to change.
    *Maybe disabling the ability to carry C4 while this is equipped could be a good idea? yes? no?
    *This does not replace the 'shift' key sprinting that every class has access to. It is a class ability.

    EDIT: changed the proposed numbers to make it seem more advantageous. Seems I underestimated the speed increase :p
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  2. Kayth

    I think you are way over estimating this thing. Not only is it mono-directional, it only provides about twice the effect of current adrenaline pump, which is negligible over short distances, it has a short duration and a huge cooldown. It also costs a ton of certs.

    Of course, as you mentioned, numbers are subject to change, but there is no need to make this any worse. I like adrenaline pump being a passive effect, but it should be buffed to about 25%. Then it would fill this role without a big rework.
  3. Burkderp

    Yeah you might be right. If the speed was doubled I could still see this being used as a great class ability to close gaps. The cert cost was just put in the post to make it look a bit more 'offical' :p

    What about level 1 40% increase at say 6 seconds with a 20 second recharge?
  4. Iridar51

    Interesting idea, but kinda too much copy-paste MAX charge.

    Maybe call it "emergency thrusters" or something like that, and give a horizontal or directional (where you are looking) boost from jet pack, even along ground. On a separate cooldown/fuel tank.

    Reverse the nerf on JJs speed and capacity and voila, we have a fast LA for a change.
    Adrenaline pump could also be moved to a passive abilty cert line to increase sprint speed as it does.
    This would finally add "Assault" to the "Light" we have.
    Heavy will be hard to kill because of the overshield, LA will be hard to kill because of mobility. This is how it supposed to be now, but LA doesn't have the mobilty now. With current speed of JJs, we may as well be climbing to scale base walls.

    As OP said, this will allow us to reach and storm buildings quickly and perform flanking attacks.

    Man, I got so excited. Pity we won't have any of this anytime soon.
  5. Burkderp

    That sounds great. Emergency boosters :D I mean it has to have downsides because mobility in PS2 is very powerful (see: ZOE) but an ability in the same vein as my suggestion will add the Assault to LA especially if it's a class ability. As long as it's not TOO long and not TOO fast it could be great.

    Balance is up to the dev's we're just here to come up with ideas.
  6. DeadliestMoon

    Yeah I already suggested giving the Drifter Jump Jets an "F" toggle capability when the devs introduced the speed boost it gives you while using it on the ground.
  7. Kyouki

    This seems more like what I wanted for light assault back in the early days and still want now.
    New ability slot:
    Thrusters: . A small burst from the thruster jets allows the light assault to dash around the battlefield with very fast and precise movements allowing them to dominate the battlefield. The Thruster Jets would have no upward lift.
    The Cof during the dash would be that of a sprint or jumping CoF (whichever is smaller) The dash lasts for about a second and takes about 1/4 of the total power per dash. The total recharge rate on these jets would be 12 seconds. 3 seconds per dash. We will be able to shoot while dashing at a reduced accuracy (the cof mentioned earlier). The dash is omni-directional(can be used to back up and strafe) and is useable in the air. The speed gained would be 5m/s, totaling a 10m per second dash.

    After typing this up I really want this in game now.
  8. Granveil

    What'll happen to the Jetpacks? You aren't going to have two nanite gauges, are you?

    AFAIC Light Assault don't need an "F" ability. Their Jetpack is a sufficient ability. That said, I do like the idea of changing the sprinting cert a little bit. Rather than a suit slot, something built into the class like Triage or Hacking that you can cert for.

    I also like the idea of allowing them to equip a second primary weapon with less reserve ammo, as another passive cert line.
  9. Batisat

    The last time LA got a speed boost, the devs canceled it because people were using it as get-out-of-jail cards, activating it when they're dying.
    It got out of hand quickly in the alpha I hear.
  10. Ghostloadout

    I prefer the ability to press "F" and cling to a wall like a Xenomorph, while pulling myself across the ceiling, hissing at the enemy MAXes and engineers sitting below me.
    You could climb up walls and recharge your jetpack when it's empty, then just go right back to jetpacking. As an added bonus this would allow Drifters to become more useful by allowing semi-speedy vertical motion.
    It'd also be reasonably fun to hitchhike onto enemy ESFs, pop C4 on them and wait to arrive at your destination.
    Heck It'd be fun to fling yourself off a friendly ESF and into a base.
    Without further ado, CERTS!

    Passive Certification - Ascent Tools
    [Rank 1] 100 Certs - Allows the LA to stick to terrain/walls.
    [Rank 2] 150 Certs - Allows the LA to slowly move up terrain/walls.
    [Rank 3] 200 Certs - Allows the LA to stick to vehicles.
    [Rank 4] 400 Certs - Removes fall damage.
    [Rank 5] 500 Certs - Doubles the speed that the LA moves while climbing/attached.
    [Rank 6] 1000 Certs - Allows the ability to use weapons while attached. *Can only hipfire*

    I want our old 10 second capacity back... and our speed, that too.

    I'd Rather what OP is suggesting to be more of an implant I.E. PS1 Surge.
  11. Selrahc4040

    Yes. YES YES YES. I have been quite frustrated recently that Light Assaults aren't actually "Light" (i.e. No practical speed increase) This suggestion just might be the thing the devs implement instead of dual-wielding. Thank you for the wonderful idea.

    (Vote this thread up for the devs to see)
  12. Kronic

    People would cry about it and get it nerfed. Just throw adrenaline pump in its own passive ability slot, buff it to 15% at max rank and rename it to bionics or whatever.
  13. Selrahc4040

    People will ALWAYS cry about something, it's just a matter of who is louder with a more compelling argument. Also, we'll be getting bionic implants soon, so naming it bionics wouldn't be very helpful.
  14. Kronic

    Look at how dead our forums are. LA are the least represented class compared to thousands of Heavies who will cry that they actually have to be weary of LAs in CQC. I only suggested the bionics thing because I'd assume an adrenaline pump would last for a short period of time, no the whole time you soldier is alive. Just wanted to give a more appropriate name.
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  15. JonboyX

    I too gave up on LA as my 'main' class when heavy composite and overshield max level became universally held.
    I like the idea of some kind of speed boost, but if I may suggest a note of caution: Surge existed in PS1 but when used in combination with shotguns became totally overpowered. Being able to dash in behind someone/round corners then obliterate them in one click won't be accepted by the other classes. I just worry it'd be overpowered if not implemented carefully.
  16. Qasar

    I tooled around with a Light Assault when I first started playing. Even bought an LC3 Jaguar which I thought of as a great gun. Had some real fun and near the end before moving on, was able to maneuver like an ESF almost around towers and such. LOTS of fun.

    Then a patch happened and now it's not near as responsive, leaps feel shorter, and the movement is all around clunky. Between that and a general feeling of "that's fun, but what am I really accomplishing here?" I now only hop on an LA when a roof needs to be cleared and I'm not doing anything else.
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  17. Selrahc4040

    I didn't intend the bionics comment to sound quite as rude as it came out, my apologies.

    As for appropriate naming, we'll leave that to when plans are in effect.

    While it is true we need our maneuverability back, it doesn't mean the LA lacks a purpose. My Outfit, for example, uses an entire squad of LA's (About 6 of us) to serve as quick point capture/early defense. The LA's infinite range of hideyholes make it much harder to flush them off a point, and it's pretty hard to react when streams of lead are coming from all around you, both above and on your level.