[Suggestion] A separate KDR for kills inside/outside a vehicle

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by iamrob7, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. iamrob7

    I don't have a problem with KDR on the leaderboard because whilst this is most certainly a team game and KDR isn't a proper reflection of a players ability in many instances, it is still useful to know how you are doing in that respect and it can also be useful for a leader of a group to know who can be valuable in various situations.

    So if we are going to have it, how about we have a KDR that separates kills from being inside a vehicle from kills on the ground as infantry. That would help people to know where the strengths of certain players are. At the moment you can get ludicrous KDR in a vehicle by just spamming certain areas, it doesn't take an awful lot of skill, just certain upgrades. Whereas those ludicrously high KDR's require a great deal more skill as infantry.

    It would be nice to know who is skilled in what area, you could have a fairly weak player on the ground who has triple the KDR of another player who is actually a far stronger player on the ground because he has been spamming rocket pods all day for example.

    So if we are going to have these statistics, how about we have them broken down in more useful detail?
    • Up x 1
  2. Pax Empyrean

    I'm all for more accurate player stats. I'd like to see kills and deaths for infantry vs infantry, infantry vs vehicle, vehicle vs infantry, and vehicle vs vehicle. Kills and deaths by weapon would be nice as well.
  3. SneakyTouchy

    It's a great idea. Vehicular **** gives false statistical data towards someone's skill level. A headshot to body radio would be nice too.
  4. Uben Qui

    How often do you look at other's KDR?

    For your own you can look up the weapon and see the kills gotten by it. Otherwise who really pays attention to other KDRs but their own? I honestly could not tell you who is on the leader board. Never looked it up. For that matter I could not tell you one single name of anybody who has ever killed me. Not one.
  5. BlackPope

    I agree but the leaderboard thing doesn't work again for me. It did for one day after the last hotfix but no more.
    Don't suppose anyone has fix for this?
    Tried swapping continents, relog and verify files.
  6. BANGbangBANG

    I found that when they stopped supporting the leader board in planetside1 most of the hackers//exploiters went away due to the fact that their efforts were no longer rewarded with fame.

    Having a free to play game with a leader board is a huge mistake and i hope it stays broken. Nothing worse than having a famous poster boy for your new undetectable hack.

    Planetside1 hackers and exploiters were admired by the community even after they were caught and even though they had been banned their stats were still displayed on the leader boards.
  7. Krizzen

    The only accurate KDR I've seen is session KDR. The scoreboard for the area you're in (or however it's figured) has always been flat out wrong for me. I logged in to defend an amp station on Esamir, and I got up high and sniped countless guys spawning from a sunderer outside our walls. I was 33/3 on session (never left the station), yet the scoreboard showed I was 0/3.

    So again, all scores are bugged except session. I'm not sure why the hell they can't just do a "match local score" from beginning of a cap until it's capped or defended or something similar.
  8. Mietz

  9. Xizwhoa

    Get rid of the leaderboard for everything, it's not needed. Let's do what we can to deter hackers please.
  10. Chiss

    "I dont care, therefor nobody does."
  11. Uben Qui

    More of a case of how many would find this useful. I am not against KDR. You can never have enough information to track your effort. But, really how many of these guys are pouring over other people's KDR trying to determine if he got kills from a vehicle and trying to decide if that makes him a good or bad player at infantry?
  12. Badname3529.

    Remove KDR tracking. Only list kills per weapon or vehicle and what they have been killed by. Force players to do the math on KDR. Sort leaderboard by score per hour. Instantly devalue KDR and improve teamplay.
  13. Lamarr

    I agree. I think they should just remove KDR from the game all together. That way people may be more inclined to play support roles and help out their team rather than worrying about getting kills.