A Returning Infiltrator

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Rudmed, Jun 5, 2014.

  1. Rudmed

    Hey there everyone,

    You all might remember me from a couple months back, but I disappeared due to focusing on my education. Therefore I am really out of the loop on what some of the go to stuff is now for infiltrators, so I just have a few questions that I would like to ask.

    1. Seeing how nanoweave was changed is it still worth investing in? The only choices I recall seeing that I believed to be viable were Shield Capacitors, Nanoweave, and Extra Ammo. I normally run medkits, and I think I would prefer survival, so what should I look at?

    2. I recall there being a OHK limit, what is it now?

    3. How are scout rifles?

    4. What detects a cloaked infiltrator? I assume our new ground sensor does (is it worth using and what's the range of it?) Because I had some people who knew where I was the instant I decloaked, therefore they either heard it or saw my dot the entire time.

    5. How about Stalker cloak? Should I use for CQC infiltration or keep to my hunter this way I have an smg or scout rifle at my disposal.

    If it helps, I have Vanu and TR toons right now, so if you are going to recommend equipment you now know what equipment to recommend. Also I see vehicles still hate me considering I had a lighting + 1 trooper running after me for about 4 minutes. Then I had to play chase the infiltrator with a 666 Devil Dog Harasser (Leave me alone! I just wanna snipe you! Is that a crime?) In the end I slipped by them both, which felt really good since I haven't played in a while.

    I'm going to thank you all for the help now, and most likely later!
  2. DHT#

    Scout radar on flashes can detect you, motion detectors, non-suppressed gunfire, and there is now a darklight weapon attachment that looks like a flashlight which will illuminate you.

    Scout rifles are ok if you don't want to 1-shot kill. They're pretty decent if you plan on going up close since they can deal a lot of damage very quickly, but not quite as good as an SMG. To be honest, SMGs on infiltrators are just ridiculously powerful. To the point where most infiltrators I see are now using them.

    You can still kill in one hit with a headshot if you're using a rifle capable of doing it. The default NC rifle can do it, and both VS and TR have rifles capable of doing it now for relatively cheap.

    As for nano / shield cap / extra ammo, I rarely run out of ammo before I die unless I'm sniping and I'm not usually far from a resupply if I'm doing that. I think you'll get more bang with nanoweave, but shield cap isn't a bad choice either.

    Stalker cloak can be a lot of fun and is very useful if you're actually going into bases to hack or whatever. Obviously it sucks for snipers since you can't snipe, but if you are hunting snipers it can be good.
  3. yeHHH1g

    1. nanoweave is still the way to go, infiltrators are just too squishy already to not be running nano
    2. up to 200m with bolt actions that have 4x scopes and 300m with bolt actions with 12x scopes
    3. good for medium range engagements, not as good up close compared to smgs
    4. motion spotter detects anyone moving, cloaked or not. with it fully certed it has a 50m range
    5. stalker cloak is awful in terms of killing power, just stick with hunter

    Not much has changed in terms of weapons to use: Parallax for long range, Ghost for med-close, Eridani for CQC, Nyx and Vandal are pretty beastly if you can get headshots (2 shot kills without overshield)
  4. Jawarisin

    I believe it doesn't spot you when you're cloaked or crouching. I might be wrong, but I'm 99% sure.
  5. Ripshaft

    Hm lots of wrong information provided so far....

    1. Nanoweave's effectiveness is unaffected aside from it not protecting from headshots - it's arguably better in every way beyond that, as resistance is just flatout superior to bonus health when you take healing effects into account. Not sure what you mean by viable, all suit slots are perfectly viable for what you get them for, just choose what works best for your level of competency and preference.

    2. I don't know the ranges off the top of my head but they're fairly generous, and seperated into "short" "medium" and "long" ranges for the short, medium, and long range bolt actions respectively. "Short" is still quite a fair distance and you should rarely have a problem with it, especially if you're running 4x optics on it... which you really should be lol

    3. Scout rifles are same as they've always been, great if you're decent, no better than any other if you're not.

    4. Cloak has absolutely no effect on any form of radar/detection and never has. Motion sensor and darts will detect you if you're moving while not crouched, recon/scout radar (vehicle based) will always detect you under all circumstances. You can however use the sensor shield implant to block all forms of recon while not sprinting.

    5. Stalker cloak disables your primary... so it's not going to be a cqc infil - pistols are good and all but you're not going to want to intentionally put yourself into cqc scenarios with them (in the same way as you would with a smg that is - obviously pistols effective range will put you into close quarters). Stalker cloak is all about using your head, and a love of trolling; if you enjoy these activities you will love stalker cloak, if not you should stick to the other cloaks.

    One thing that should be new to you is the straight pull bolt attachment, which lets you pull the bolt on bolt actions while scoped... this isnt especially useful unless you're pretty decent already, but it's worth looking into once you've gotten back into the swing of things =p

    Oh and the crossbow is a hilarious and effective weapon if you find yourself a troll and decide to invest in stalker, it OHKs infils within 40m and will 2 shot any other class within 40m... this isn't nearly as good as it sounds, but it's very good regardless. Try before you buy.
  6. Silvermyst

    In my opinion nanoweave was changed to make it less powerful against snipers. (before nanoweave level 5 make heashots require 2 hits to kill) It feels pretty much the same against close quarters weapons though.

    Not sure exactly. I think it started at 150 metres. Don't know if they've tweaked it though. Personally I really don't like the limit. I enjoyed sniping people out at the edge of render distance back in the day. Using the default NC Bolt Driver meant that I'd have to aim almost a metre above my targets head, and the bullet would be in the air for more than a second.

    Unfortunately those skill shots are now useless.

    The full auto ones are like assault rifles with small clips. Good but you have to show discipline with your trigger finger, or else you'll likely find yourself reloading without having killed your target.

    The semi auto ones are basically a cross between a battle rifle and a semi-auto sniper rifle. Very, very good, in my opinion. The NS vandal is actually better than the others, in my opinion. One of the cases up upgrade not sidegrade.

    It has:

    A .75 ADS movement speed. (the other scout rifles .5 by default, meaning that you can move 33% faster while aiming down sights with the vandal.)
    A deeper clip (15 instead of 12)
    Better accuracy

    in exchange for:

    Slower bullet velocity. (I'm pretty sure it's 520 instead of 570. You hardly notice it unless you're at very long range, and the increased accuracy easily makes up for it even in those situation)
    Longer reload times. Which isn't a problem as a sniper, just cloak and move while reloading and you'll be fine.

    Anyways, it's a beast. Use at your own risk though, it might be on SOE's nerf list.

    Here's Wrel's review of the Vandal:

    Here's Mustarde's Vandal montage.

    Anyways if you spend real cash on this game and play multiple factions I'd strongly reccomending getting yourself a Vandal if you ever use your Infiltrator at medium range.

    The Darklight is something other people seem to have not mentioned. It's an attachment replacing the old flashlight. If you point it at a cloaked infiltrator they light up like a Christmas tree.

    If you're going for fast paced action use hunter and SMG. But stalking is fun, especially with a commissioner or Hunter CQB.
  7. Rudmed

    Alright thanks guys! The vandal does seem far more reliable than the ones I'm using and I liked how it felt in my hands. Granted, it'll take me a bit to get the certs for it, but I'll get there eventually! Really appreciate all the help you've been giving me.
  8. Thompson153

    Since no one else seems able to answer the question of ranges, I might as well.

    Bolt actions have 3 ranges: short, medium, and long. The short category houses the shorter range BASRs (SAS-R, TSAR-42, and Ghost), medium range houses the weapons that are fairly versatile (NC14 Bolt Driver, M77-B, XM98, LA80, SR-7, and the V10), and long range houses weapons that perform best at very long range (EM4 Longshot, AF-8 Railjack, RAMS .50, and the Parallax VX3).

    As for ranges:

    Short range rifles have a maximum range to headshot of 200m.

    Medium range rifles have a maximum range to headshot of 250m.

    Long range rifles have a maximum range to headshot of 300m (reminder that 300m is max render distance for infantry).

    There is a possibility that these numbers might have changed, as the Wiki does not have information on it; however, I have not noticed any change in any patch notes (although since I'm human, I might have missed it).