[Suggestion] A re-tweaking of all classes and not just HA

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DashRendar, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. DashRendar

    The most compelling arguments I've seen for HA balance concerns is that HAs get access to .75ADS LMGs and other weapons like SMGs, Shotguns, and NS weapons. .75ADS for a shielded HA means that his strafe speed will be equal to the strafe speed of a non-HA class using a .50ADS weapon, but has more health. This makes no sense from a balance standpoint. I'll take a sidestep approach that involves little to no nerfing. The Heavy Assault class should have .50ADS speed for all weapons, and other classes should have some other number, with LA's and Infil's having .75ADS. Basically it might look like this:

    Infil: .75 (all except rifles)
    LA: .75
    Combat Medic: .65
    Engineer: .65
    Heavy Assault: .50

    NS weapons would have to be reworked. Instead of giving a flat .75ADS to all classes and weapon types, they would provide a .10 improvement in ADS speed for all classes except LA/Infil, who would receive only a .075 improvement. NS weapons per class might look like this:

    Infil: .825 (all except rifles)
    LA: .825
    Combat Medic: .75
    Engineer: .75
    Heavy: .60

    What this does is rebalance the classes in a way that is better for every single class, not just nerfing one class (the only one that really has a unique balance situation) and calling it good. Is this currently possible given the game construct? Probably not. Well, it likely is, but it would take a rethinking of how the player/weapon stats are constructed. Basically it's all thrown off that some classes share weapons with other classes. ADS speed would need to cease being a weapon stat, and become a class stat that can be modified by some special weapons in combination with what class it is used on. An ES SMG wielded by an LA would result in a .75ADS speed, while the same SMG wielded by a HA would be .50ADS.

    I imagine a change like this would involve many hours of boring code editing, but I think it would be worth it in the end because it would result in a more well rounded class feel, better weapon balancing, and more special feel to classes and gunplay as a whole. This is a way better solution to simply debuffing one or more stats of an already heavily debuffed class just to patch the issue of it causing complaints and frustration. With this change, there would finally be a downside to using SMGs/Shotguns on HA, finally be a solution to LA having a stat identity crisis, a consolation for infils having lower health pool, it would stop arguments of faction v faction "well your .75 weapons are in a better class than ours"... is there any possible downside to this? As far as I can see, this is all upsides and solves a handful of small issues with infantry play in game. Why isn't this being worked on?
    • Up x 6
  2. 00000000000000000000

    Probably not possible, but I like the thinking of rearranging how all classes work and not just nerfing/buffing one. So you get a like
    • Up x 2
  3. FateJH

    Only one person has been making this complaint on the forums and he's found very little support for weapon restrictions. He spent at worst half of the introductory thread briefly replying to other people that "you don't understand" and "but what if" and then leaving it as that.

    It's insane how obsessed people are with 0.75 ADS speed that they'd build such a statistically complicated system just to avoid demonstrating that obsession.
  4. DashRendar

    I don't agree with a lot of the arguments, I feel that HA is more or less balanced for what it is. The low accuracy balances the high capacity, LMGs are mostly balanced against other weapon types. However, you have to admit that the .75ADS weapons, and HA being able to use SMGs/Shotguns at no detriment, completely unbalance HA as a platform vs other classes. Even though I facepalm at most HA threads and blame the user, this IS a valid point. Not only does HA have this small issue, but all the rest of the classes have the issue of not really feeling special or unique enough. This could clear up everything at the same time IMO.
  5. FateJH

    Ignoring that one class can partially obscure themselves from casual observation and has a monopoly on ranged combat; ignoring that one class has unlimited access to terrain other classes must waste resources to get near once and that few people pay attention to; ignoring that one class has the most explosives in one package and has a synergistic relationship with every other ally game piece (Infantry, Armor, Air); ignoring that one class is paramount to the ability for groups to not be completely repelled because their numbers dwindle and the damage they take piles up over the course of an engagement; and, ignoring that one class is a raw brutish sort restricted by reliance upon other classes but individually strong enough to spearhead short pushes and area defenses on its own; ignoring all of that, "the [non-HA] classes have the issue of not really feeling special or unique enough?!"

    Only if your primary expertise is the ability to extent of holding the W key, occasionally alternating between A and D.
  6. Tbone

    Don't understand your first part.HA get access to 0.75 ADS LMGs and non HA fight with 0.5 ADS against 0.75??
    What???? Only the NS-15M is what all HA get(0.75 LMG)but non HAs can use 0.75 NS weapons as well so its 0.75 vs 0.75.Only Vanu HA have 0.75 ADS LMG that are not NS ,TR and NC doesn't.

    Check this out:
    Only VS.
  7. DashRendar

    True only VS get ES LMGs that have .75ADS move speed, I was always well aware of that, but the NS15 is available to all factions. However, that's only a small issue in the grand scheme. HAs of all factions have access to shotguns and SMGs which all provide a .75ADS move speed. LMGs may be well balanced against other class weapons, but when a HA uses a weapon that is available to all of the classes, is it not unbalanced? At the very least if you won't admit to it being unbalanced, you must admit that it doesn't make much sense. I'm not saying anything new or controversial here, and I'm not trying to make the HA out to be a gamebreaking fault that's ruining my fun, because it's not. I'm a multi-faction player who has been playing since pre-launch, and all I'm saying is that there are some silly things about infantry balance in the game. These things can be solved without nerfs or removal of content in a way that makes everything better for everybody regardless of class preference or faction.
  8. omfgweeee

    You get a like from me. O am against HA having access to SMG and shotys at all but this aint gona happend anyway...
  9. Tbone

    I am an old player beta and release ps2 and i am sorry if you miss understand me.I was saying that 0.75 LMGs that available to all HA are the NS ones and the NS weapons are available to all classes that can use them.(NS AR to medics, NS carbine to engi/LA etc.)
    This is all what i have said.I am totally agree with you that classes need to be balanced to a certain roll and the weapons should be issued to them accordingly.
  10. DashRendar

    Following the first few sentences, I was just speaking to the general reading public, not so much directed at you.